Anal cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the United States and is also the third leading cause of death due to cancer. Treatment for anal sarcoma is quite varied, ranging from surgery to chemotherapy. The following are the most important symptoms to watch for. Your healthcare provider will discuss treatment options with you. To begin with, it is important to have regular examinations. Your doctor may also want to perform a biopsy, which is an important part of the diagnostic process.
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Anal cancer symptoms are different for each type of cancer. Some people have no symptoms at all. Other people may have multiple symptoms, such as frequent bowel movements or looser poo. There are also cases where the patient does not have any symptoms at all. The treatment for anal cancer will depend on its stage. Anal cancer tends to spread to the lymph nodes in the groin and abdomen, liver, bones, and other organs.
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Anal cancer symptoms may range from no symptoms to a wide array of physical signs. The most common symptom of anal cancer is difficulty controlling bowel movements. Often, patients will experience frequent poop or looser poo, but others may not have any symptoms at all. Twenty percent of people diagnosed with anal cancer will not experience any symptoms at all. It is important to remember that the prognosis for anal cancer is much better than for other types of cancer.
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If you have no symptoms or a small tumor, your doctor may want to perform an ultrasound. This test can evaluate the size of the tumour and whether it has spread to nearby organs or lymph nodes. A CT scan can help determine the extent of the cancer's spread. If the tumour has metastasized to other parts of the body, your doctor may recommend a surgical procedure called a colostomy.
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A change in bowel habits. Your bowels may have a hard time controlling themselves, or you may experience blood in your stools. You may experience diarrhea or constipation. You may also experience a feeling of fullness, or a small lump. These symptoms are not necessarily indicative of anal cancer, but they should be investigated by a doctor. If you have any of these symptoms, you should contact your health care provider immediately to receive treatment.
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A tumour may be in the anal region. In addition to the visible symptoms, anal cancer can be asymptomatic. Despite its appearance, the symptoms of anal cancer include a loss of appetite, sensitivity to colds, and pain. In some cases, the cancer can even occur in the throat. If you've experienced symptoms related to your anus, you should contact a doctor. They will be able to determine the exact type of cancer and recommend the best treatment for your condition.
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In many cases, anal cancer is found in the anal canal. Anal sarcoma is a tumor that grows in the anal area. A patient may experience difficulty controlling bowel movements or loose stools. However, some individuals may have no symptoms at all. It is important to seek a medical professional for an evaluation to rule out any possible underlying causes. There are also certain screening guidelines for cancer of the anal region and anal canal.
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Faecal incontinence is another symptom of anal cancer. During the period of treatment, faecal incontinence can cause frequent bowel movements and can even cause a person to experience looser poo. Anal cancer symptoms can be present, or may be absent. For example, a woman may not experience any anal cancer symptoms at all. During this period, the patient may experience difficulty controlling bowel movements, resulting in pain and a loss of control of bowel motion.
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Besides the anal cancer symptoms, patients with anal cancer may experience difficulty controlling bowel movements or looser poo. Other symptoms include bleeding, discharge, and a lump near the anus. Some of these symptoms may be mistaken for hemorrhoids. Anal warts can be caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and can increase the risk of anal cancer.