Many patients do not experience colorectal cancer symptoms in its early stages, but many of them do experience rectal bleeding or blood in the stool. In addition to rectal bleeding, patients may also experience low red blood cell counts, weight loss, and abdominal pain. These symptoms are usually only apparent when the tumor has already spread to the colon or colonic lining. In these cases, the disease is already advanced and treatment can be challenging.
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The first symptom of colorectal cancer is a yellowish or black appearance of the skin or eye. This is a sign of liver cancer. A person may develop jaundice, which is a yellowish-white condition of the eyes. Coughing may also be a symptom of lung cancer. The most common colorectal cancer symptoms are abdominal pain and weight loss, and a sudden change in appetite or weight.
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In some cases, colorectal cancer symptoms overlap with other health conditions. It's important to see a physician if you're experiencing any of these conditions. Ignoring them is dangerous, and can worsen the situation. The good news is that colorectal cancer survival rates have improved over the past decade in the U.S. because the disease can be detected early. The following chart provides more information about colorectal cancer symptoms and how to identify them.
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Other common colorectal cancer symptoms include fatigue, nausea, and anemia. If any of these signs or symptoms are present, it's imperative to see a doctor to determine whether you have a disease. The earlier you detect colorectal cancer, the better chance you will have of fighting it and surviving. With early detection, you can save your life. This is why regular screenings for colorectal cancer are vital.
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In the early stages, colorectal cancer symptoms are nonexistent. However, the disease may develop in other parts of the body. A colon cancer diagnosis is important for all patients who want to know their risk of developing this disease. The symptoms of colorectal cancer can vary, depending on the stage of the disease. If the tumor has already spread to other organs, it may be resistant to treatment. In such cases, a patient should seek a doctor for further evaluation and to get tested.
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Symptoms may be present in any one or a combination of the three stages of the disease. If the cancer has spread to lymph nodes, the symptoms may be different. In these cases, further testing is necessary to determine whether the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. While there are few other symptoms associated with colorectal cancer, a doctor can determine the cause of the disease by examining the patient's intestines and reviewing his or her symptom severity.
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People who have a history of colorectal cancer are more likely to develop the disease than individuals without any family history of it. Regardless of age, people with a history of colorectal cancer have a higher risk of developing the disease. Furthermore, African Americans are more likely to develop the condition than whites. For these reasons, it is essential to seek a doctor's diagnosis as early as possible.
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A doctor will evaluate the symptoms and stage of colorectal cancer. The symptoms of colorectal cancer are very similar to those of other illnesses, and some people may only notice the disease's earliest stages. Some of the symptoms may not be obvious to the uninformed, and a diagnosis must be sought by a doctor in order to treat it appropriately. If the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, additional chemotherapy might be needed to delay its progression.
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Some of the symptoms of colorectal cancer may be similar to other health conditions. Depending on where the tumor is located, patients may experience any number of symptoms. The most common symptom is jaundice, a yellowish appearance of the eyes. Other signs include difficulty breathing and a persistent cough. Some individuals may not have any of these symptoms, but the disease may be a sign of a more serious disease.
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Symptoms of colorectal cancer may not be noticeable. Most patients will experience no symptoms at all. The doctor should only recommend screening if there are other risk factors, like smoking and a family history of colorectal cancer. Changing bowel habits are other possible signs of colorectal problems. A change in bowel habits can be an indication of colorectal cancer. It is important to seek medical care if any of these symptoms occur.