Although craniopharyngiomas are usually benign, they can still cause problems because they can compress the brain and the anatomical structures within the skull. They can also affect the child's growth, which can result in seizures and parkinsonism. Children who have craniopharyngioma symptoms should see a pediatrician immediately. In many cases, treatment for craniopharyngioma in childhood is straightforward.
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If you suspect that your child has craniopharyngioma, you should get him or her checked out by a doctor. Oftentimes, craniopharyngioma symptoms appear soon after the diagnosis. Fortunately, this condition is not usually serious. In fact, there are no symptoms that may indicate this disorder. It's important to seek early treatment to prevent any complications and to ensure your child's best health.
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Children with craniopharyngioma often have symptoms before the onset of puberty. The pressure on the surrounding tissues is the most common symptom. Surgery is the main form of treatment. Surgeons use an anesthetic to remove the tumor, which is typically performed through the nose or upper lip. After surgery, your child may also undergo radiation therapy to shrink the tumor and prevent it from coming back.
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Children with craniopharyngiomas may have a tendency to develop the condition as a child grows. While scientists do not know why this happens, they do know that it can be caused by a genetic predisposition. Once a child has been diagnosed with craniopharyngioma, doctors can monitor it for years to come to ensure its treatment is effective. Even if the disease isn't present at birth, it can be inherited.
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Because of the high risk of complications during the development process, craniopharyngioma in childhood is an extremely serious medical condition. It is often fatal in young children, so it is important to receive prompt treatment. The symptoms can range from severe headaches and vision changes to seizures and endocrine changes. The symptoms are the result of the tumor's pressure on the structures of the head.
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The symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood are caused by pressure in the brain from the growing tumor. The tumor can be removed with surgery, which involves cutting the skull and removing the tumor. If the tumor is located at the base of the nose, it may require radiotherapy. Surgical removal will allow the child to breathe through the mouth and have a normal life. If the surgery is successful, radiation therapy will reduce the size of the tumor.
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Treatment for craniopharyngioma in childhood depends on the location of the tumor, the patient's overall health, the size and the type of craniopharyngioma. In some cases, the tumor may be completely removed through surgery, but this isn't always possible. If the tumor remains, radiation therapy is often recommended to shrink it. But, the symptoms of craniopharyngioma in children may be permanent.
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Among the symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood are headaches and short stature. These symptoms may be caused by hormonal changes or by the tumor pressing on the blood vessels and nerves in the brain. Ultimately, these craniopharyngioma in children can lead to the child experiencing developmental delay or even loss of a sense of self. Despite these symptoms, it is crucial to schedule a pediatrician examination for further tests.
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If you suspect a child with craniopharyngioma in childhood, you should seek immediate medical attention. The symptoms are caused by pressure on the brain caused by the tumor. To alleviate the symptoms, the tumor must be removed. This surgery is necessary to remove most of the tumor. Depending on the location of the tumor, the surgeon may need to cut through the skull. If the tumor is in a critical position, radiation therapy may be needed.
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Symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood can include a loss of vision. A patient's visual deterioration could be a result of a tumor near the pituitary gland. Other symptoms of craniopharyngioma may include a headache, fever, and a rash. In these cases, the diagnosis of the disease should be sought immediately.