The first signs of DCIS are breast lumps and pain in the nipple. The next two are more indicative of cancer and should be evaluated by your doctor. Although the disease is not fatal, the treatment of DCIS is incredibly aggressive and requires a mastectomy. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should seek medical attention. However, if the disease is inoperable, it might be too late.
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While DCIS is not harmful to the body, it can lead to invasive cancer. About 30% to 50% of women with DCIS will also develop invasive breast cancer. The invasive cancer typically develops in the same area of the breast as the DCIS. Mammograms detect 80% of DCIS cases, and it often appears as a shadowy area on the mammogram.
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DCIS can lead to invasive cancer. As a result, it is important to seek medical treatment as early as possible. Most women will experience invasive breast cancer within a decade. Once diagnosed, it is almost certain that it will occur in the same breast or region. Moreover, 80% of DCIS cases are detected through mammograms. In this case, the disease is in situ, so it appears as a shadowy area on the screen.
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Ductal Carcinoma In Situ is a form of breast cancer that is more common than breast cancer. It is called noninvasive breast cancer. In most cases, it occurs in the same area of the breast where the DCIS was found. In 80% of the time, DCIS is detected by mammogram. The symptoms of DCIS are the same as those of invasive cancer.
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Patients with DCIS should undergo routine mammograms and have a biopsy to confirm a diagnosis. It is important to consult your doctor right away if you notice any changes in the area of the breast with a DCIS. If you see a shadowy spot on the mammogram, it is possible that you have DCIS. A DCIS doctor can help you determine whether or not the cancer has spread.
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Treatment for DCIS begins with a mammogram. During the screening, your doctor will look for DCIS in the ducts that connect the lobules to the milk-producing structures, or ducts. The earliest signs of breast cancer are shadowy areas on a mammogram. Once a tumor is diagnosed, a lumpectomy will be performed.
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DCIS is a noninvasive breast cancer that usually begins inside milk ducts. Mammograms will detect DCIS in about 80% of cases. While it is not painful, it may affect the results of a mammogram. Symptoms of DCIS are similar to those of invasive cancer, but it is still important to see your doctor. You can also seek treatment from a doctor for other conditions.
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In some cases, DCIS does not progress. The condition is benign and does not require invasive surgery. In the majority of cases, DCIS will disappear on its own and will not recur. It is not cancer and will not spread. A lumpectomy is the best treatment for DCIS. But if it is cancer, it will need to be removed. A mammogram may not detect DCIS, but it could detect a more advanced form.
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A patient with ductal carcinoma in situ may experience some of the following symptoms. It can affect the lobules of the breast. The ducts are the structures connecting the lobules. If one of the ducts has cancer, it may be in its early stages. Once this occurs, it is difficult to cure it, but it can lead to a recurrence.
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The most common symptom of DCIS is breast pain. The breast will feel tender and may be achy. This may be the first sign of DCIS. The patient may experience some of the symptoms, such as tenderness, swelling, or a rash. The patient may also experience a breast discharge. While DCIS does not cause pain, it can be found on a mammogram.