If you have had a mammogram or ultrasound for any breast cancer, you may have noticed DCIS. This early form of breast cancer is often mistaken for a benign tumor. However, there are many different types of cancer, and your doctor will have to carefully consider your symptoms and your medical history to determine which treatment option is best for you. The most important thing to remember is that while the first few symptoms of DCIS are usually harmless, it is important to make an appointment to see a doctor. In addition to your current medical conditions, make sure to mention any past or current chronic diseases or therapies, as well as family history.
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Although DCIS does not cause any symptoms, it can lead to more serious complications, including invasive cancer. Between 30 and 50% of women with DCIS will develop invasive cancer in the same breast. As a result, it's important to get screened for this condition early on. Invasive cancer is almost always detected by a mammogram, and it appears as a shadowy area on the screen.
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If left untreated, ductal carcinoma in situ may eventually become invasive breast cancer. In 80% of cases, it develops in the same breast. The disease usually begins in the same region as the DCIS. Invasive cancer usually spreads to other parts of the breast and causes discomfort. Fortunately, 80% of women with DCIS will never develop invasive cancer. A lumpectomy is the most common treatment for DCIS.
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If left untreated, ductal carcinoma in situ can become invasive cancer. About 30% of women who develop DCIS will eventually develop invasive cancer. This form of cancer will develop in the same breast or area where DCIS has occurred. 80% of cases of DCIS are diagnosed by mammograms. It is identified by a shadowy area on a mammogram. There are no visible symptoms of DCIS in this stage.
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While DCIS may appear harmless, invasive cancer is possible. Up to 50% of women with DCIS will develop it within a few years. It will usually occur in the same breast as the DCIS. Patients with DCIS are often given a lumpectomy to remove the tumor and surrounding tissue. Approximately 80% of women diagnosed with DCIS will develop invasive cancer. Invasive cancer may be diagnosed through mammograms.
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Most women with DCIS will have an invasive cancer. Most women who develop DCIS will experience it at some point in their lifetime. The treatment for DCIS is similar to that for invasive cancer. It is the same type of cancer that is present in the same area of the breast. There are also side effects from certain medications and other medical conditions that can affect the patient's overall health.
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While there are no specific symptoms associated with DCIS, you should be aware of any symptoms you experience. This type of breast cancer is a noninvasive form of breast cancer that starts inside milk ducts and may be difficult to detect with mammograms. Because of this, it is difficult to distinguish DCIS from other causes. A mammogram can be helpful in identifying a DCIS.
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If you've noticed DCIS, it's a good idea to see a doctor. A mammogram will be able to detect DCIS, but a biopsy is the only way to confirm the diagnosis. Depending on the size of the tumor, your doctor will likely recommend a lumpectomy to remove the cancer. The treatment for DCIS depends on your individual symptoms. You may experience some or all of these symptoms.
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If your doctor notices a DCIS, they'll be able to tell you if it's in the same place. Most women who have DCIS do not have symptoms. A mammogram will show a shadowy area. The tumor may not be visible on a mammogram. A biopsy will reveal a DCIS. Typically, DCIS is undetectable with a mammogram.