If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ, you may be wondering if you have the disease. Most cases of in-situ breast cancer are asymptomatic, but in rare instances, a woman can experience a clear discharge from her nipples. If this is the case, a doctor will perform a biopsy. After the biopsy, the doctor will recommend treatment.
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Although ductal carcinoma in situ does not always cause symptoms, it is always important to schedule regular examinations and tests. Generally, it is diagnosed during routine screening tests for breast cancer, which are designed to identify any abnormalities before they lead to more serious diseases. Therefore, early detection is the best way to ensure a successful treatment. Self-exams are also important, but they should not be the only way to detect the condition.
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Luckily, a good majority of women who develop this type of cancer will go on to experience a long-term response to treatment. In fact, the majority of women who develop ductal carcinoma in situ will experience no visible symptoms at all. Because it is so slow-growing, the symptoms of a diagnosis can occur within a matter of weeks. With timely detection, a breast cancer diagnosis can be made easier.
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The most important aspect of a DCIS diagnosis is the early detection. Many patients who develop DCIS do not have any symptoms at all. Most DCIS diagnoses take place during routine screening tests designed to identify cancerous changes before any warning signs are developed. However, the best outcome is to seek medical advice if you notice any unusual breast changes. While self-exams are essential, you should also report suspicious changes to a doctor.
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While DCIS does not cause any symptoms, it should not be ignored. Symptoms of DCIS may include the following: bleeding, tenderness, pain, and asymmetry. In addition to the above, the patient may experience asymmetry, irregularities, or asymmetry in their breast. The disease is not considered a threat to her health and it can be detected and treated early. While it is not a life-threatening condition, it should be monitored by a physician to avoid any complications.
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The disease is characterized by abnormal cells found in the milk duct. Unlike other types of breast cancer, DCIS has a high cure rate. It is a pre-invasive cancer and does not cause any noticeable physical signs. In addition to the symptoms, a doctor may also perform a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. If it is asymptomatic, it may not require a biopsy.
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Although the symptoms of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ do not cause any discomfort or physical signs, women should consider getting regular mammograms for breast cancer. It is recommended that women who have had a mammogram in their 40s should consider undergoing a biopsy. A mammogram will help detect the disease. A biopsy is a necessary part of the treatment process. When the cancer is found, it can be removed with a needle.
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If the disease is asymptomatic, it is not likely to require a biopsy. If the cancer has spread to nearby tissues, it can be detected by a breast ultrasound. It is not possible to detect the disease in a pre-staged stage. A biopsy is necessary to make sure you have the proper diagnosis. Fortunately, the disease is usually treatable. Despite the lack of symptoms, it is still important to get a diagnosis for ductal carcinoma in situ as early as possible.
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The most common symptom of ductal carcinoma in situ is flatness. It does not have invaded the muscle and connective tissue of the bladder wall. Because it is asymptomatic, it is not a cause for concern. There are several treatment options for people with this type of cancer. The most important option is to consult with your doctor. This can help you choose the best treatment option for your condition.
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While the symptoms of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ aren't specific, they are indicative of a more serious condition. The condition is most often detected through a mammogram, which typically shows a new mass in the breast. In some cases, a doctor may find a lump in the breast, while in others, the lump is the most common symptom. The doctor can determine the exact cause of DCIS through a mammogram and suggest treatment.