Ewing sarcoma is a rare cancer of the bones and soft tissues. About 25 percent of children with this cancer have metastatic disease, and about 50 percent of cases spread to the lungs. Treatment for Ewing sarcoma includes chemotherapy and radiation, which can cause side effects such as nausea, hair loss, bruising, or bleeding. It can also lead to organ damage and even the development of new cancers. If you suspect that you or a loved one is suffering from these symptoms, it's a good idea to seek medical advice and discuss your options with your healthcare team.
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X-rays are an important part of the diagnostic process for Ewing sarcoma, as they provide images of bones and soft tissues. CT scans help the doctor see how the cancer cells interact with body tissues and can show if the tumor has spread. The bone scan can help the doctor determine if there is an ongoing tumor. In the meantime, you may experience pain and fatigue. If you are experiencing these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention right away.
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X-rays are a common way to diagnose this condition. These imaging tests take pictures of the inside of the body and can show whether the tumor is in bone. Blood chemistry studies measure substances that are released into the blood by organs and tissues. When this level is abnormal, the doctor will suspect that a person has Ewing sarcoma. In many cases, the diagnosis of this cancer requires a biopsy.
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The symptoms of Ewing sarcoma can be misdiagnosed as normal childhood injuries or pains. Because of this, it can be difficult to determine the correct diagnosis. The doctor will perform a physical exam and health history and conduct several blood tests. A complete blood count and a lactate dehydrogenase blood test will determine whether Ewing sarcoma is present or not.
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The first step in diagnosing Ewing sarcoma is chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is a chemotherapy that prevents cancer cells from multiplying. The chemotherapy will stop the cancer from growing. Following the chemo, surgery may be needed. The surgeon will remove as much of the tumor as possible. The patient will receive ongoing treatment until the cancer has completely cleared. A biopsy will give the doctor a clear picture of the tumor and the location.
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Symptoms of Ewing sarcoma include a warm lump near the surface of the skin, fever, and broken bones that do not cause injury. In severe cases, the patient will experience weakness or a painful lump in the affected area. Researchers believe that the disease develops when certain cells of the body become abnormal. These cancer cells can destroy the healthy tissue and cause symptoms. Therefore, it is important to seek medical attention when you notice these symptoms.
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Although there is no specific cause of Ewing sarcoma, it is often caused by changes in the DNA of the cells. The DNA contains instructions for the cells in our body. In Ewing sarcoma, these abnormal cells break off and invade healthy body tissues. Eventually, these tumors can spread throughout the body. They are difficult to treat because they can spread to the other parts of the body.
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Symptoms of Ewing sarcoma can occur in children as young as age six. The cancer cells appear as small blue cells under a microscope and can be localized or can spread to the bones and bone marrow. Depending on its stage, it can affect the entire body, including the heart, kidneys, and even the lungs. A biopsy is required for definitive diagnosis. Fortunately, the symptoms of Ewing sarcoma vary with age.
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The most common symptoms of Ewing sarcoma are fever, weight loss, intense pain, and fatigue. Patients with these symptoms often need a biopsy to determine the exact location of the tumor. A biopsy will determine the precise location of the tumor. In addition to a biopsy, a bone marrow aspiration/biopsy is performed to examine bone marrow tissue samples. These diagnostic tests help the doctor determine whether the tumor is localized or has spread to the body.