While a person with this cancer may not have any symptoms, a physical examination can help determine the extent of the cancer. Swelling, pain, and a soft mass are common symptoms. Other signs include difficulty breathing, constipation, and weakness in the extremities. In severe cases, a person may need a prosthetic limb. Often, treatment will involve chemotherapy and/or surgery. Although the disease is usually curable, there is no certain cure.
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A biopsy of the tumor or suspicious bone may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis. This biopsy will be performed under general anesthesia. If the cancer has spread, it will be further evaluated with a bone scan and a CT scan. A physician may perform other tests to determine the stage of the disease and whether it has spread. In extreme cases, surgery may be necessary. A surgeon will remove as much of the tumor as possible and monitor the condition of the patient's body for any new signs.
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Symptoms of Ewing sarcoma include warm, hard lumps near the surface of the skin, fevers, and weakness in the affected area. The cancer's cells cause the characteristic symptoms. The cancer may also spread to the bone marrow. This is why the disease is difficult to distinguish from other tumors of the same type. The best way to tell if you have this disease is to see a doctor.
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When a patient has any of the above symptoms, a biopsy may be recommended. MRI and CT scans are considered to be the best tests for diagnosing Ewing sarcoma. However, they are not the only tests that will help doctors determine whether or not you have the disease. A complete blood count and genetic studies will also be done to confirm the diagnosis. The results of these tests may also help you choose the right course of treatment.
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The main Ewing sarcoma symptom is the presence of a lump near the surface of the skin. These abnormal cells can break free from the bone and invade healthy tissue. These abnormal cells can spread throughout the body and cause an infection. If the cancer has spread, your doctor may need to perform surgery to remove the tumor. You may also experience other symptoms of Ewing sarcoma such as fatigue or weakness.
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A biopsy will be necessary to diagnose the disease. A doctor will remove tissue and examine it under a microscope. A bone marrow aspiration will be necessary if the cancer has spread. The results will help your doctor decide if a biopsy is needed or not. If you have had a biopsy performed, it is important to follow the treatment plan for your child. If the tumor has spread, it is a good indication that further treatment is necessary.
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The symptoms of Ewing sarcoma vary, but most commonly include warm lumps near the surface of the skin, fever, and weakness in the area. Researchers believe the disease develops when certain cells attack healthy tissue. If a patient is diagnosed with the disease, it is important to get a diagnosis immediately. If you have a tumor, it will likely have a characteristic color and shape. The colors and appearance of the tumor will also depend on the location.
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While Ewing sarcoma is not a cancer, it does have symptoms. A person with this condition will have a warm lump near the surface of their skin, fever, and broken bones without injury. Other signs include a loss of strength in the affected area. Research shows that this disease can be treated early. But it is still important to seek medical care immediately. Even if symptoms are minimal, the disease can spread and cause complications.
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While the symptoms of Ewing sarcoma can be difficult to recognize, it is important to visit a doctor. Several symptoms of this disease could be the result of another medical condition. Your doctor will run tests to check for genetic mutations. The chromosome changes are caused by an abnormal gene that is present at birth. It is a rare condition and a genetic test is necessary to diagnose it.