If you've ever wondered if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma, you've come to the right place. Learn about the signs and symptoms of this rare type of cancer and how you can detect them. Among the many possible Ewing sarcoma symptoms is the inability to move limbs or body parts. Your doctor may also suggest a bone marrow aspiration to detect the tumor cells.
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While Ewing sarcoma occurs mainly in bone, it can appear in any bone. It's more commonly seen in soft tissue around bones, such as muscles and cartilage. The affected area may be in the arms or legs. It can also occur in the brain or peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tissue. Genetic studies are required to make a definitive diagnosis. Although there is no cure for the disease, you can get treatment if you notice the following signs and symptoms.
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The first sign of Ewing sarcoma is pain. This pain is usually present when a child is young. The child may develop muscle weakness in the affected limb. The patient may also experience numbness, tingling, or numbness in the affected area. During the first few months, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. There are no specific symptoms for Ewing sarcoma.
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The fever is a common sign of Ewing sarcoma. Often, it is mistaken for an infection and antibiotics are used for relief. However, the fever isn't cured after the treatment. Sometimes the patient experiences a lump or swelling that can't be felt. It may be tender or warm. Your child may have an inflamed lump that is warm and tender.
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Ewing sarcoma symptoms include pain in the limbs, lungs, and other parts of the body. If your child has a tumor in the limbs, your doctor may recommend a biopsy. This way, your doctor can confirm whether you have Ewing sarcoma. If the cancer has spread, it may be metastatic. When it has spread to other parts of the body, it's known as "recurrent." In this case, the cancer has not responded to treatment.
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Symptoms of Ewing sarcoma include pain, fever, and warm lumps near the skin surface. You might also experience broken bones without any injury. Your doctor may also perform blood chemistry tests to diagnose the disease and determine where it has spread. If you have any of these symptoms, you should seek treatment immediately. During your treatment, your doctor may monitor you closely. During the treatment process, your body will undergo a number of changes, including the size, color, and shape of your tumor.
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The most common Ewing sarcoma symptoms include fever and a lump in the limb. The fever is often mistaken for an infection. Medications to prevent the infection may not be enough. Your doctor may also prescribe an antibiotic to help you recover. The infection may also cause a lump that feels warm and is tender to the touch. A biopsy can help your doctor determine whether you're experiencing symptoms of Ewing sarcoma.
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X-rays are another important Ewing sarcoma symptom. These scans can show the presence of a tumor. MRI and CT scans are other common tests to diagnose Ewing sarcoma. A biopsy is also a common symptom of this condition. A biopsy of the tumor is necessary to make a definitive diagnosis. Your doctor will determine if it has spread.
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Other Ewing sarcoma symptoms include fever and a warm lump near the skin's surface. Other symptoms include fractures or weakening of the limb. You may also experience weakness in the affected area. Researchers believe that Ewing sarcoma is caused by abnormal cells that attack healthy tissue. Consequently, it is best to consult a physician if you experience any of these symptoms.
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Symptoms of Ewing sarcoma can occur anywhere in the body, though the tumor is most commonly found in the pelvis. It can also affect the soft tissues of the body. It is more common in boys, but can occur in girls. Children between the ages of five and twenty are most likely to be affected. Those who develop the disease will typically experience symptoms that last for several years.