While most gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors do not produce any symptoms in their early stages, some patients do experience some. These symptoms may include abdominal pain, diarrhea, and even a rash. They may also produce dark-colored stools, which may be indicative of intestinal bleeding. Treatment for this condition will depend on the type and stage of the tumor. To get more information, visit your doctor.
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While some of the GI carcinoid tumor symptoms are rare, they should be taken seriously. The first symptom of the disease is gastric ulceration. This occurs because of the sensitive cells lining the stomach. Excess hormones released by the tumor can irritate the digestive system and lead to ulcers. Other symptoms of gastric cancer include pain, loss of appetite, and nausea. In extreme cases, black stools may occur. If these signs and conditions are prolonged, a patient should see a doctor immediately.
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The second GI carcinoid tumor symptom is appendicitis. The condition is usually caused by a tumor in the appendix, which causes an obstruction in the connection between the stomach and intestines. It can also lead to stomach-related problems, such as fever, vomiting, or abdominal pain. Some patients may also experience a heart sound that is unusual or abnormal.
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The most common GI carcinoid tumor symptoms are pain in the abdomen and bloating. If left untreated, the tumor can cause life-threatening bleeding, which should be treated as soon as possible. Once the patient's diagnosis has been confirmed, surgery is the only option. Sometimes, doctors may recommend surgery as a treatment option. When this is no longer enough, further tests may be needed.
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While the symptoms of GI carcinoid tumors vary, they are generally life-threatening. The tumor can block the small intestines, leading to severe stomach pain, vomiting, and anemia. Although GI carcinoid tumor symptoms do not always occur immediately, they should be treated as soon as possible. It is important to seek medical care for any GI cancer symptoms.
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Other GI carcinoid tumor symptoms include gastric ulceration. The stomach lining is made of sensitive cells, and excess hormone release can irritate the digestive system and cause an ulcer. People with gastric cancer may experience pain and loss of appetite. They may also experience black stools, which can be fatal. The gastrointestinal tumor symptoms of GI carcinoid tumors differ among individuals, but they usually all require immediate medical attention.
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GI carcinoid tumors usually do not cause early symptoms. However, some patients experience stomach pain, nausea, and diarrhea, and chest pain. If the tumor is spreading to other organs, it may also affect a person's ability to breathe or swallow. If it has spread to the liver, symptoms of this disease may include chest pain, swollen belly, and black stools.
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Some people may have no gastrointestinal carcinoid tumor symptoms. Depending on the location of the tumor, they may experience any of the following symptoms: a bloody stool, abdominal pain, and nausea. In severe cases, these symptoms may be life-threatening. Some of these symptoms include: fatigue, weakness, anemia, and blood in the stool. Those who are at risk for GI cancer should see a doctor to monitor any changes.
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Symptoms of GI carcinoid tumors may include vomiting, abdominal pain, and anemia. The most common GI carcinoid tumor symptoms are pain, nausea, and vomiting, and may last for years. In severe cases, gastric tumors can block the digestive tract and cause black stools. It is vital to get a diagnosis from a doctor as soon as possible.
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Symptoms of GI carcinoid tumors vary. Some are similar to those of appendix cancer, but they aren't as severe as those of GI carcinoid tumors in the stomach. While a stomach carcinoid tumor will not cause any symptoms, it can lead to appendicitis, which is the result of a blocked appendix.