Symptoms of Intraocular Melanoma can be difficult to recognize without a biopsy, which is why it is so important to find out what is wrong. Fortunately, the disease is relatively rare, so early diagnosis is essential for preventing the spread of the tumor to other parts of the body. Because the cancer grows slowly, you will not experience any visible symptoms until it has spread to the lymph system.
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In the early stages, the symptoms of Intraocular Melanoma are very subtle. In some cases, the symptoms will be completely unnoticeable. However, when it is detected early, treatment can be successful. A physician may recommend "watchful waiting" until the tumor has grown enough to be detected. The healthcare provider will take pictures of the tumor growth on a regular basis. Once it is diagnosed, a doctor can decide on treatment.
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MRI: An MRI uses radio waves and strong magnets to create an image of the eye. It will determine the size of the tumor and whether the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Angiography: An angiography involves putting a dye into a blood vessel in the arm and taking pictures of the eye as the dye moves through it. A biopsy, which requires a small sample of tissue, is not a typical diagnosis of Intraocular Melanoma.
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MRI: An MRI uses radio waves to produce a clear image of the eye. It can be used to check the size of the tumor and to see if the cancer has spread outside the eye. Angiography: This involves injecting dye into a blood vessel in the arm and taking pictures of the eye as it moves through the blood vessel. If the disease has not spread beyond the eye, the doctor may start treatment.
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In some cases, the symptoms of Intraocular Melanoma can be caused by other problems, such as diabetes or aging. If you are unsure of whether your symptoms are due to Intraocular - or any other cause - consult your healthcare provider right away. Your provider will be able to tell you if your symptoms are indicative of the disease or not. In most cases, the only treatment is to remove the tumor.
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In rare cases, intraocular melanoma is non-symptomatic, but it can affect your vision. If the tumor has spread to the eye, the treatment may be slow or invasive. Patients may not experience any symptoms of Intraocular melanoma. To rule out other conditions, a neurologist should examine the eye with a microscope and take photographs. The doctor will also perform tests using a dye.
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A biopsy is not the best option for people with Intraocular melanoma. During an MRI, a doctor uses strong magnets to create a picture of the eye. The scan can also show whether the cancer has spread outside the eye. In addition to MRI, other tests are available to diagnose this condition. The most common ones are X-rays and CT scans.
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If your eye has a melanoma in your eye, you may be experiencing one or more of the symptoms of a more advanced form of the disease. Symptoms of Intraocular melanoma can be more severe than those of other types of cancer. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, contact your healthcare provider immediately. A healthcare provider will be able to diagnose the disease, as well as discuss any possible complications with you.
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A doctor may perform an MRI to diagnose intraocular melanoma. This test uses strong magnets and radio waves to make images of the eye. It is useful for determining the size of the tumor and to determine if the cancer has spread outside the eye. A biopsy is not always necessary to diagnose intraocular melanomal symptoms. Sometimes, the diagnosis of this type of cancer can be determined by a biopsy.
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A doctor may diagnose an intraocular melanoma by visual inspection. During an exam, the eye care provider will also perform an ultrasound. During an ultrasound, high-frequency sound waves are used to visualize the eye. A melanoma with an ultrasound will appear as a dark spot in the eye. During a dilated eye examination, the doctor will also perform a dilated MRI.