Symptoms and risk factors of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia vary among individuals. While no one person has a 100 percent chance of getting this disease, some individuals are more likely to develop it than others. These people may also experience high levels of anxiety and worry. Counseling sessions can help these patients cope with their fears. If you or someone you know is suffering from this condition, it is best to seek medical attention right away.
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MEN1 and MEN2 are rare diseases and are not common. It is estimated that one in ten to thirty people has MEN1. Women are more likely to get MEN1 than men. In addition, there are no known cures for the condition. While MEN1 is more common than type 2, it is not hereditary. It can develop due to mutations in a person's MEN1 gene or in a different gene.
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While multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes can be treated with medication, there is no cure. The symptoms of MEN1 and MEN2 are a sign of another condition. Doctors treat the changes in the glands as they occur, with drugs and surgery. MEN can occur at any age, from childhood to middle age. In both cases, abnormal growth occurs in the glands.
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Symptoms of MEN1 and MEN2 may be due to an underlying disorder, or a combination of conditions. MEN1 is inherited and is passed on from parent to child. MEN2 is not sex-linked, but has 50% of females. It is important to note that a family history of MEN1 does not guarantee that your child will develop MEN2.
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A MEN1 or MEN2 patient is likely to experience the same signs and symptoms of MEN2. However, MEN2 has many symptoms that may point to another condition. It is best to consult your doctor as soon as you notice symptoms. Your physician will likely perform a blood test to diagnose MEN. If these tests show a pattern of abnormal growth in a certain gland, you should schedule an appointment with a qualified endocrine specialist.
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MEN1 and MEN2 are characterized by abnormalities in the MEN1 gene. Most MEN2 cases are familial, meaning that they run in the family. Often, there is no specific cure for MEN1 or MEN2A. Instead, doctors will try to treat the changes in the affected glands as they happen. For some patients, this can mean surgery.
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In addition to MEN1 and MEN2 symptoms, MEN2 can also be a symptom of another disease. While both types have similar signs, genetic screening tests can be helpful to detect the disease in other family members. For a more accurate diagnosis, it's important to consult a medical professional with expertise in both MEN1 and MEN2. A doctor can also order a blood test if you suspect you are suffering from MEN1.
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In both MEN1 and MEN2, patients may experience similar symptoms, but they may be suffering from a different condition. Typically, MEN1 involves a genetic abnormality in the MEN1 gene, while MEN2 is caused by an abnormality in the RET gene. The two types are similar in their symptoms but may be associated with other diseases. The patient will need long-term medication to treat MEN2 and MEN1.
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If MEN1 or MEN2 is a symptom of MEN2, genetic tests may be necessary to confirm a diagnosis. If the test shows that your family member has MEN, the patient should have genetic testing to determine the cause. It will help doctors determine which type of MEN is best for you. When it comes to diagnosis, the signs of MEN2 are very similar to those of a different condition.
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While the symptoms of multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes are similar, they are very different. These conditions are caused by a mutated gene. The symptoms of MEN are different in each case, but it is important to get a professional diagnosis to rule out other diseases. You will also need a biopsy to determine if you have the disease.