What Are the Symptoms of Nasopharyngeal Cancer? Your healthcare provider will conduct a thorough physical exam to determine if you have Nasopharyngeal cancer. He will examine your throat, nose and ears. He may also take a biopsy. If your physician suspects you have this type of cancer, a lighted tube will be inserted through your mouth or nose. This test is helpful for detecting abnormal growths or bleeding in the area.
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Small lumps in the neck may be a sign of nasopharyngeal cancer. These lumps are actually lymph nodes that are inflamed. While most lymph nodes are small, those infiltrated by cancerous cells can swell to several times their normal size. If you have a small lump in the neck, you should consult a medical professional right away. If you have other symptoms of Nasopharyngeal Cancer, it is important to visit your doctor as soon as possible.
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Treatment for Nasopharyngeal Cancer Symptom will vary from person to person. Treatment may include surgery, targeted drug therapy, or other treatments. Surgery may not be an option in all cases, as the tumor is usually near vital blood vessels and nerves. Surgery may result in permanent damage to nearby structures. In many cases, the tumor may have to be removed as well. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the tumor or lymph nodes.
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The most common symptoms for this type of cancer include difficulty breathing, trouble speaking, and a lump in the neck or nose. Symptoms may include pain in the throat or ear, a stuffed nose, and a lump in the neck. A biopsy of a suspicious tissue piece can help diagnose the disease and determine the stage of the cancer. Your doctor will determine whether a biopsy will be necessary and what it means.
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Treatment for advanced stage nasopharyngeal cancer may involve surgery or chemotherapy. Advanced-stage nasopharyngeal cancer may require clinical trials to find a cure. Overall, the survival rate for this type of cancer is about 60%, though it depends on the stage and location of the tumor. In general, early diagnosis and treatment increase the chances of survival. However, no single symptom will predict whether you will live or die.
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If you experience one or more of these symptoms, you may have Nasopharyngeal cancer. While this disease is relatively rare, it is still important to seek medical attention right away. Treatment for nasopharyngeal cancer includes chemotherapy and radiation therapy. There are also some symptoms you may be able to identify early. It is important to have a thorough examination to detect the disease.