What Are Osteosarcoma Symptom? Symptoms of osteosarcoma can vary, but they are usually associated with bone and joint pain. The pain may come and go, or it may be persistent and unrelenting. The condition affects all bones in the body, including the bones in the limbs and skull. While most cases begin in bones around the knee or hip, osteosarcoma can also develop anywhere on the body.
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Children with osteosarcoma typically go through a growth spurt and may complain of pain. While some parents dismiss pain in children as 'growing pains,' persistent complaints may be a sign of osteosarcoma. If pain persists, see your doctor as soon as possible, especially if your child is experiencing these symptoms. Children with known risk factors, such as obesity or smoking, may have osteosarcoma as well.
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Osteosarcoma symptoms may be accompanied by pain or swelling. Symptoms are usually felt in the bone or joint near the tumor, and are often worse over time, unlike the pain associated with a sports injury. Unlike mild pain medications, osteosarcoma symptoms do not improve after rest. They may increase at night or during periods when the body is exerted. Another symptom of osteosarcoma is an unexplained limp.
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A biopsy may be necessary to determine the type and extent of osteosarcoma. A biopsy can be performed with a needle or as a small open operation. The physician will look for spindle-shaped or irregular osteoid cells. Higher levels of these cells indicate a more aggressive tumor. The biopsy will also reveal if the cancer has spread. The doctor will also order blood tests, such as a serum alkaline phosphatase level.
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Treatment for osteosarcoma depends on the stage of the disease. Chemotherapy can shrink the tumor. Surgery is sometimes used to remove the cancerous bone. Amputation is a treatment option for more advanced cases of osteosarcoma. When this treatment option fails, the child may have to have the affected limb removed. In most cases, the limb is saved, but surgery may be necessary to remove the cancerous cells.
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The signs and symptoms of osteosarcoma are similar to those of other types of cancer. It most often occurs in boys, especially those with high bone mass. Most often, the disease develops in the long bones of the arm and leg. Bone tumors may form on the thighbone, knee, or shoulder bones. Pain, swelling, and a lump at the tumor site will be symptoms of osteosarcoma.
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Treatment for osteosarcoma depends on where the cancer is. Treatment should begin as early as possible, and it may include surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy. The goal is to shrink the tumor and kill any cancer cells that have spread to other parts of the body. The affected limb may also be saved using a prosthesis or a bone graft made from a donor bone. However, surgery may not be an option for everyone.
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Treatment for osteosarcoma is dependent on the stage of the cancer. Early detection and treatment is the key to achieving a cure for osteosarcoma. Treatment for osteosarcoma includes surgery and chemotherapy. Surgical removal is the first step toward cancer control. If this doesn't remove the entire cancer, external beam radiation therapy is an option. External beam radiation therapy uses a machine to focus high-energy beams on the tumor.
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Once these high-energy beams hit the tumor, the remaining cancer cells are killed.
Treatment for osteosarcoma varies depending on where it has spread. Those with osteosarcoma in the arm or leg have a better prognosis than those with the disease in the ribs, spine, or pelvis. Fortunately, new chemotherapy drugs are being studied. These drugs target the growth factors that help osteosarcoma spread and kill the tumor cells in other parts of the body.
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Some genetic syndromes can increase the risk for osteosarcoma. Some of these include familial retinoblastoma, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, and Bloom syndrome. Radiation therapy increases the risk of bone cancer, especially when it damages DNA inside cells. Another cause of osteosarcoma is radiation. The radiation causes a mutation in DNA. Symptoms of osteosarcoma can be difficult to identify because of these factors.
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Children with osteosarcoma may be very tired and need a balanced amount of rest and activity. Exercise is beneficial for their overall health and may help them cope with the fatigue associated with the disease. Additionally, parents should ensure that their children have regular checkups with their pediatrician or primary care physician. If there is a suspicion of osteosarcoma, the doctor will refer them to a specialist for diagnosis.