People with pancreatic cancer may not experience any symptoms right away. Usually, the symptoms are vague and may include weight loss, nausea, diarrhea, or a yellowish appearance of the skin. However, some people experience pain or swelling in the abdomen that persists for longer than six weeks. Other symptoms include abdominal pain and bloating, or a general feeling of fatigue. Because the pancreas is covered by other organs, health care providers cannot always see tumors when performing routine exams. This is why doctors use blood tests and imaging tests to diagnose the disease.
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Some symptoms are indicative of cancer spread, which is another sign that it has spread. When cancer has spread to other parts of the body, such as the liver or portal vein, fluid retention can be a symptom. The condition can also cause anemia, a deficiency of red blood cells, and other physical symptoms of wasting. If you experience any of these symptoms, see your physician immediately. This information is not intended to replace professional medical advice.
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When pancreatic cancer spreads to distant locations, the patient will experience jaundice, back pain, and a bloated feeling in the abdomen. As the cancer has spread throughout the body, other symptoms may occur due to chemotherapy or radiation treatment. A physician can diagnose pancreatic cancer if it is present. This disease is accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever or vomiting. It may also result in a tumor in the liver.
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There are various symptoms of pancreatic cancer. Often, a tumor in the pancreas can spread to the portal vein or internal lining of the abdomen. The presence of abdominal fluid may also indicate the presence of a secondary cancer. Patients experiencing these symptoms should visit their physician immediately. Among the most common side effects of radiation therapy is fatigue, and in some cases, the disease can lead to other symptoms, such as bleeding in the abdomen.
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Jaundice is one of the most common symptoms of pancreatic cancer. Approximately 1 in 10 people with pancreatic cancer experience pain during their first visit to the doctor. Typically, jaundice is a yellowish or brownish colour of the skin, which may be the result of a tumor. In some cases, a tumour will cause a fever and a high temperature. Some individuals with pancreatic cancer will experience a rash, but it will not necessarily be a sign of a primary disease.
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The most common symptom of pancreatic cancer is severe upper abdominal pain. Some patients also experience weight loss. Some patients will have bile duct blockages that will result in a yellow color of the skin. Other signs include a fever, obstructive jaundice, and pruritus. Sometimes, the disease may spread to other parts of the body. A stent can restore the flow of bile in the ducts.
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Pain is the most common pancreatic cancer symptom. It may be accompanied by a blood infection. These can be life-threatening. In some cases, patients may experience only mild or nonexistent symptoms. But it is important to talk to your doctor and loved ones about the disease and treatment options. Your loved one will also be able to share their experiences and theirs. They can help you make the best decision for yourself and your family.
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A high temperature is one of the first signs of pancreatic cancer. A high fever is a sign of an inflamed pancreas, which will cause an elevated temperature. Other signs of pancreatic cancer include indigestion, heartburn, bloating, and nausea. Although these symptoms are not uncommon, they should be checked by a physician. Further, a person suffering from indigestion can also develop blood clots. These clots may occur in the deep veins of the legs or elsewhere in the body.
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There are several symptoms of pancreatic cancer, including an increase in appetite and weight. Some patients may also develop a yellowish appearance in their skin and eyes. In addition to these, the cancer may spread to nearby organs and lymph nodes. This is a common symptom of pancreatic cancer, and it may be difficult to differentiate from an earlier onset of the disease. If you experience these symptoms, it is recommended that you consult a physician as soon as possible.