The most common symptom of pancreatic cancer is jaundice. Although it can be painful, about one in ten people experience it without any discomfort. Jaundice is yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes and is also indicative of a tumour on the pancreas. The urine is darker than normal, and the poo may be light or yellow. Patients with cancer of the head of the duct usually have jaundice. When the tumors block the bile duct, it blocks the flow of bile from the liver into the small intestine, resulting in increased bile production. The bile is then lost through the urine, and other symptoms can occur.
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When pancreatic cancer is accompanied by pain, most people seek medical attention immediately. Pain is most likely to be felt in the body part where the tumour is located, but it can also occur in other parts of the body. While the pain is typically confined to the abdomen, it can spread to the back. It can be worse when lying down, and it may become worse after eating. The discomfort is often in the midsection, but it can be referred to as back pain.
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Pain is a common symptom of pancreatic cancer. The cancer may be present in a distant organ, or it may have spread to nearby organs. Some of the affected tissues include regional lymph nodes or stomach or duodenum. Some surgical treatments for pancreatic cancer remove some of these resectable parts. Other symptoms include yellowing of the skin or eyes. These are caused by an obstruction of the bile ducts.
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In addition to the pain, pancreatic cancer can cause digestive problems. A pancreatic cyst or tumor can block the digestive tract. In some cases, the tumor may wrap around the far end of the stomach, causing a partial blockage. This condition can lead to pain while eating. It can also result in vomiting. In these situations, a doctor will recommend an MRI or CT scan. These are all symptoms of pancreatic cancer.
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Most people with pancreatic cancer seek medical attention for symptoms. In addition to abdominal pain, people with stomach and back pain may also experience vomiting, diarrhea, and indigestion. Some of these signs are indicators of pancreas cancer. If you notice any of these symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor. The sooner you start treatment, the better. While it's difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of the pain, it's not the only symptom of pancreatic cancer.
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Blood clots are another common symptom of pancreatic cancer. This type of blood clot is called deep vein thrombosis and can occur anywhere in the body. In cases of bowel obstruction, you may need to seek medical attention immediately. These symptoms are not always related to pancreatic cancer. However, they are warning signs of other problems. If you suspect blood clots, you should get a checkup.
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Symptoms of pancreatic cancer can be vague. A person may have yellow skin, abdominal pain, or indigestion. These symptoms do not necessarily mean that the disease is affecting the pancreas. If you have any of these symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately. If you have any of these signs, you should see a doctor. It is important to treat any signs that indicate pancreatic cancer.
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Most people with pancreatic cancer seek medical attention because of pain. The pain, which may be localized to the stomach or in the tail, may be severe. A doctor should examine you if these symptoms are persistent. The signs of pancreatic cancer should be reported to your doctor as soon as possible. But it is important to be aware of other symptoms. Your primary care physician will be able to diagnose the disease in most cases.
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The first and most obvious symptom of pancreatic cancer is pain. It is more common in the tail of the pancreas, but can also affect the abdomen and the back. This pain is usually worse when the patient is sitting forward and lying down. The pain is often more intense after meals. It can be localized in the stomach and can even spread to the back. It is often experienced in the middle of the back.