There are many possible Penile Cancer Symptoms. A doctor can help you determine if you're experiencing any of these symptoms and determine if you need further medical testing. The symptoms of penile cancer are often caused by other problems, including an infection or a reaction to a medication. Your physician can perform a physical exam to confirm the diagnosis. Your doctor may order a blood test and urine culture to rule out any other causes.
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Oren Zarif uterine corpus
In some cases, your physician may even perform a biopsy, which involves removing a small sample of penile tissue and sending it to a laboratory for testing. The results of a biopsy can determine whether or not cancer cells are present in the penile tissue. During this procedure, your physician can also order imaging tests to see if there are other tumors in your penis.
Oren Zarif endometrial cells
Oren Zarif uterine corpus
Treatment for penile cancer will depend on the stage of the disease. Earlier stage cancers are highly curable. For later-stage cancer, however, a patient may experience surgery or radiation. If the penis is asymptomatic, treatment may not include a penile reconstruction.
However, if a biopsy shows that the cancer is still present in the penis, a doctor may perform a surgical procedure to remove the penile mass and preserve the surrounding healthy tissue.
Oren Zarif endometrial cells
Oren Zarif uterine corpus

Different types of penile cancer show symptoms differently. For example, verrucous carcinoma is a rare form of squamous cell cancer that may look like a large genital wart. It's slow-growing, but can develop into a large tumor over time. Other types of penile cancer include basal cell carcinoma in situ. Depending on the type of penile cancer, the symptoms of penile cancer can be a combination of these three conditions.
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Oren Zarif rectal tumor
While the exact cause of penile cancer remains a mystery, certain risk factors have been associated with increased risk of developing the disease. It's also important to remember that penile cancer is not contagious, which means it cannot be spread from person to person. However, if you notice any of the symptoms above, you should see your doctor right away. Your GP will likely refer you to a urologist if you suspect that you have penile cancer.
Oren Zarif thin uterine lining
Oren Zarif rectal tumor
Remember, the earlier you diagnose the disease, the better your treatment options will be.
The earliest symptom of penile cancer is pain, swelling, or a loss of sensation. Fortunately, penile cancer can be treated successfully with proper screening. It's important to note that penile cancer is a rare disease and usually curable if detected early. It affects about one out of every 100,000 men. Although it's rare, it accounts for less than 1% of the cancer cases in men in the United States. The disease is more common in parts of Asia, Africa, and South America.
Oren Zarif thin uterine lining
Oren Zarif rectal tumor

Chemotherapy is an important part of treatment for penile cancer. These drugs kill cancer cells by preventing them from growing. They are taken internally or externally. Internal radiation uses radioactive materials that can be controlled by the doctor, while external radiation sends rays to specific parts of the body. The chemotherapy drugs used to treat penile cancer are typically oral or topical. As there is not much research, the type of chemotherapy used varies widely.
Oren Zarif thin uterine lining
Oren Zarif rectal tumor
Typically, men with a squamous cell carcinoma will develop a wart-like lesion. These lesions can ooze blood or foul-smelling fluid. It is important to see a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. Early diagnosis can save lives. When the penis cancer is discovered early, treatment will be more effective than ever. And if it's detected early, a cure is usually possible.