If you are experiencing these symptoms, you may have a condition called penile cancer. The first thing you should do is visit a doctor, who can examine your penis and perform a number of tests to confirm a diagnosis. A physical examination can rule out other conditions and cause the same symptoms. Follow-up tests may also be necessary. These tests may be necessary to make sure the cancer isn't reoccurring.
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The symptoms of penile cancer can vary, and they may simply be an infection, a fungal infection, or an allergic reaction. Your physician may order urine tests or blood tests to determine the cause of the symptoms. If the doctor suspects penile cancer, he will most likely order a biopsy to examine the penis and determine whether or not there are any cancer cells present. Other imaging tests may also be ordered to determine whether there is another tumor in the penis.
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One risk factor for men is HPV infection. If you were not circumcised as an infant, you are at a higher risk for the infection. Having multiple sexual partners increases your chance of infection. In addition, HPV can cause penile cancer. Treatment for this cancer is less effective and more disfiguring. While men who have not been circumcised are at a higher risk of developing the disease, all men should be on the lookout for penile lesions.
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A penile cancer diagnosis should be made as soon as possible after noticing any of these symptoms. The penile skin may become thick or changed in texture and an ulcerative lesion may form on the penis. A penile lump may be present, or it could start as a sore or ulcer. If the penis is swollen, the cancer may have spread to the lymph nodes. The symptoms of penile cancer may be hard to detect, but early diagnosis can help you avoid unnecessary surgery and complications.
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Early diagnosis is key to preserving your life. Penile cancer may spread to other parts of the body. The tumors that grow in this stage may have spread to nearby structures or even to the urethra. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor right away to prevent recurrence of the disease. In some cases, this cancer is detected in the early stages, but there are no symptoms at this stage.
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Treatment for stage 1 and stage 2 cancers involves chemotherapy. The drugs used in chemotherapy are injected into the body or taken orally. The medications can be taken orally, or injected into a vein or muscle. Depending on the type and stage of the cancer, the treatment may include chemotherapy and radiation. The treatment for stage 0 penile cancer often involves a combination of chemotherapy and surgery. The doctors will monitor you closely after the treatment to check for any new signs of cancer.
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Other types of penile cancer include melanoma, a type of skin cancer that develops in sun-exposed areas. Melanoma accounts for about 10 percent of penile cancers, but they are more aggressive and often spread rapidly. Squamous cell carcinoma develops from sweat glands in the penis, and adenocarcinoma develops in blood vessels and connective tissue cells.
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In addition to the above-mentioned symptoms, men suffering from penile cancer may also be experiencing sexual issues and the financial cost of cancer treatment. These men may also need to undergo couples counseling to help them cope with their condition. In addition to the treatment for penile cancer, the survivor may be facing many other challenges, including loss of their ability to work and a fear of recurrence. In such cases, the healthcare team will help you find coping mechanisms to cope with this condition.
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Cysts can form in the penis and can be anywhere on the body. They may appear as small lumps, and are generally painless. However, if they cause symptoms, they may need to be surgically removed. However, cystic rash is not infectious and will generally go away on its own. It may also be caused by an infection from HPV during sexual intercourse. The best treatment for condylomas is to avoid sexual activity with risky partners.