The primary CNS lymphoma symptoms are headaches, changes in personality and alertness, visual and speech changes, and weakness. These symptoms typically increase rapidly and are accompanied by a rash. If they continue for more than a week, they should be investigated by a healthcare professional. Fortunately, there is no specific treatment for this type of cancer. The signs and early diagnosis are crucial.
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The main symptom of primary CNS lymphoma is the inability to remember anything. The patient may also experience eye or vision problems or floaters, but these symptoms are normal and do not necessarily indicate lymphoma. Other symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma are weakness and paralysis, which usually affect the legs, arms, tummy, and face. A biopsy will be required to confirm the diagnosis, in which a pathologist will test the affected tissue to identify the type of lymphoma.
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Other symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma include brainstem involvement, which can cause gait imbalance, vision problems, incontinence, and vertigo. If the disease has spread to other parts of the body, however, it can spread to the CNS. Secondary CNS lymphoma is spread from lymphoma in other areas of the body. There are no known specific treatments for primary CNS (nervous system) cancer, but doctors can follow a series of factors to determine the best treatment plan.
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There are some common symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma. Some of the most common are weakness, numbness, vision loss, and seizures. Some patients also experience psychosis, which may lead to depression or suicidal behavior. A rheumatic fever and a lack of appetite. These are all signs that your disease is progressing. So, if you suspect any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.
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While there are no specific primary CNS lymphoma symptoms, you may have a few of the following symptoms. During the first few months after the diagnosis, you will have a few of the most important tests performed during your first year. Your doctor may recommend a high-dose chemotherapy regimen for you. In addition, you may need to undergo a few tests to determine whether you have a secondary CNS lymphoma.
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The primary CNS lymphoma symptoms depend on where the tumor is located in the body. If it has spread to the spinal cord, patients may have spinal fluid, leg pain, and back pain. A patient who suffers from a spinal cord lymphoma may also have bladder and bowel dysfunction. While most of the symptoms are similar to those of primary CNS lymphoma, they can vary greatly.
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If the primary CNS lymphoma has spread to other parts of the body, it may have spread to the brain. This can cause a person to feel confused and experience difficulty with their body's movements. In addition, the patient may experience vision changes. Although there are no specific symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma, it is important to receive treatment as soon as possible. There are many symptoms of the disease, and the first thing you should do is talk to your doctor.
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The symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma are quite rare and are difficult to identify. A biopsy is usually required to make a definitive diagnosis. The tissue is tested by a pathologist to determine if it is lymphoma or another type of cancer. It may be asymptomatic or may have a more serious cause. The best way to tell if you have the disease is by speaking with your doctor.
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Some symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma may be asymptomatic and may only be present for a few days. The treatment for primary CNS lymphoma is very different from that of other lymphomas. Few drugs reach the brain because the blood-brain barrier protects it from drugs and toxins. Radiotherapy to the entire brain was the only effective treatment for primary CNS lymphoma a few decades ago. Now, chemotherapy in high doses can overcome these problems.
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The symptoms of primary CNS lymphoma can be very different from those of other types. Some people will experience the same symptoms as with any other type of lymphoma, but they might also develop some unique symptoms. The condition may be associated with other diseases, such as AIDS. The cause of the disease can be unclear. Some of the most common types of the disease are not fatal. In addition, a few patients have had multiple lesions and can be treated with chemotherapy.