Although Prostate Cancer symptoms are similar to those of other medical conditions, the actual cause of these changes is often unknown. Often times, prostate cancer is a slow-growing disease with no noticeable symptoms until the cancer has spread to the prostate. However, some of the symptoms that can be indicative of Prostate Cancer include difficulty in starting urination, weak flow of urine, or frequent urination. Listed below are some of the main symptoms of prostate cancer.
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Treatment for prostate cancer may involve surgery, radiation therapy, or watchful waiting. Patients can undergo watchful waiting or active surveillance, where a doctor checks the patient periodically to monitor any changes. If the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes or tissue, they may undergo radiation therapy. Radiation can come from a doctor's X-ray machine or from a radioactive pellet inserted inside the prostate gland. The treatment depends on the symptoms of prostate cancer.
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The most common symptom is poor urinary stream. In some studies, as many as 12 to 53% of men report experiencing this condition, a poor urinary stream or urgency is a common symptom. However, this wide range of symptoms relates to the ages of the populations studied and the questions that were asked. Only two studies compared symptoms in men who had not yet received treatment with the same number of controls without prostate cancer.
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Screening tests can be done for prostate cancer using the PCA3 test. The results of this test are important because prostate cancer can affect nearby tissues as well as distant parts of the body. If the PCA3 test is positive, your doctor may perform a biopsy to determine if there is a cancer. Further imaging may be necessary in order to properly diagnose the disease and prescribe a treatment plan. And, of course, regular screening is important.
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Inflammatory prostatitis is a symptom of Prostate Cancer that may occur without any apparent cause. Treatment for this condition involves addressing the cause of the symptoms, which may include pain in the groin, lower back, or at the tip of the penis. It may also be accompanied by other symptoms. Ultimately, treatment will involve making changes in lifestyle, such as stopping smoking or abstaining from alcohol and drugs.
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Radiation therapy and surgery are the preferred treatments for localized prostate cancer. Surgical procedures may also be performed, especially for men at high risk of developing prostate cancer. The risks associated with prostate cancer treatments include bowel and urinary incontinence, as well as other side effects. However, these are usually temporary and are not permanent. When surgery is needed, patients are often given hormones to control the flow of urine. After treatment, the doctor will carefully examine the tissue and determine if the disease has spread to the prostate.
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When prostate cancer has spread to other organs, it will affect sexual function. The gland produces the fluid part of semen. If prostate cancer has spread to other parts of the body, it will cause severe discomfort and may even affect the ability to conceive. Treatment for this type of cancer is most successful if diagnosed in its early stages. Even with advanced symptoms, however, the treatment for this disease will vary from person to person. You should not ignore these warning signs of Prostate Cancer.
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Although the causes of prostate cancer are not entirely known, researchers do know that it is triggered by changes in genetic material. These changes may be inherited or occur during life. In either case, they increase the risk of developing the disease. Several other factors are associated with the risk of developing this disease, including age and family history of the disease. In general, the causes are not known and the symptoms may be completely benign or indicate a more severe medical condition.
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Symptoms of Prostate Cancer are not specific to one type of disease, but they may be present in both males and females. A doctor can diagnose prostate cancer with a physical exam. Prostate cancer is the second-leading cause of death for men in the United States, and it is twice as common in African-Americans. Patients should be aware of the warning signs of this disease. In addition to the above symptoms, prostate cancer can also affect the way a man conceives.
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A blood test for PSA is an easy way to identify if you have Prostate Cancer. A PSA test will reveal if you have elevated levels. If you have elevated PSA levels, you may also have another condition, such as BPH or prostatitis. Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer requires a biopsy. A biopsy will reveal if you have the disease or not. MRI-guided prostate biopsy provides detailed images of the prostate. The samples are graded on a three-to-five scale, and one to two graded cells are considered normal tissue.