You may be experiencing the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer, but you don't know if it's the real thing. In many cases, this disease is a slow-growing disorder, and it often does not show any symptoms until it's already at an advanced stage. Prostate Cancer symptoms include difficulty starting urination, weak urine flow, or frequent urination. Your doctor will be able to determine the exact cause of these symptoms.
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If your doctor suspects prostate cancer, he or she may order a CT scan or an MRI of your prostate. The prostate MRI can help determine if the cancer has spread to other parts of your body. MRIs can also help your doctor guide a biopsy. MRIs usually involve placing a special coil inside the rectum. Prostate ultrasound tests are also commonly used to detect cancer. If these tests don't reveal cancer, your doctor may choose to do a biopsy.
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Prostate problems in men are common after the age of 50, and most men don't even know they have them until it has spread to other parts of the body. A man's prostate is a gland that makes semen and is located beneath his bladder, in front of the rectum. Prostate cancer usually starts out as a benign enlarged prostate, which can grow slowly. If the cancer starts to grow quickly and spreads outside of the prostate, it's usually dangerous. However, this type of cancer can be fatal.
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While the symptoms of prostate cancer may vary from person to person, some common signs include frequent urination, weak urine flow, blood in the urine, and difficulty passing urine. Other symptoms may include chest, lower back, or hip pain, as well as unusual bowel or urinary habits. If you feel pain while urinating, you should see your doctor as soon as possible. The sooner you can get a diagnosis, the more likely you are to survive.
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Treatment for prostate cancer is complex and often requires surgery or radiotherapy. While the results of radiotherapy are usually conclusive, many men find that palliative treatments offer relief from some of the symptoms of the disease. Fortunately, many prostate cancer treatments are based on men's preferences and can prolong their lives. Regardless of which method, a man should consider the risks and benefits of different treatment options before making a decision on how to treat his cancer.
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Although supplements do not significantly reduce the risk of prostate cancer, they can help to maintain healthy levels of important vitamins in the body. Exercise is also a good way to improve overall health, maintain weight, and improve your mood. If you are new to exercise, start slowly and gradually build up your time and intensity each day. And be sure to follow your doctor's recommendations carefully. Even if you don't feel symptoms immediately, your doctor will help you find the best treatment for your specific type of prostate cancer.
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Treatment options for prostate cancer depend on the stage of the cancer and the growth rate of the cancer in the surrounding tissue. The treatment may include hormone therapy, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy. Depending on the symptoms of prostate cancer, these treatments may vary. Some patients may be treated with watchful waiting and radiation therapy. Others may choose to undergo immunotherapy or chemotherapy. Ultimately, if the cancer is caught early, it will most likely be treated with palliative care to extend their quality of life.
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Screening is the best way to detect prostate cancer at its earliest stages. Screenings can start at age 40 for men with a family history of the disease. People with a high risk may want to start testing earlier than that. If you've never been screened, you should visit your doctor to learn more about the options available to you. When you're ready for screening, be sure to tell your doctor about your risks and get an appointment.
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Other symptoms include bone pain, swelling of the lower extremities, and urinary dysfunction. It can also lead to erectile dysfunction and ejaculation dysfunction. These symptoms can be caused by other conditions as well. A common benign condition associated with enlarged prostate tissue is BPH, or benign prostatic hyperplasia. Treatment for this condition involves antibiotics and lifestyle changes. It is also accompanied by other symptoms, such as pelvic pain syndrome, or urinary incontinence.
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Once you've had your prostate biopsy, you'll be given a Gleason score. This number is based on the aggressiveness of the cancer cells in the prostate. A high Gleason score indicates a highly aggressive cancer, while a low one means a slow-growing cancer. Your doctor may also order other tests. Your doctor may perform a biopsy to rule out other possible causes of prostate cancer.