A patient should always see their doctor if any of these Prostate Cancer symptoms bother them. While these symptoms are often attributed to the disease, there are many causes for similar signs. While prostate cancer is usually a slow-growing, painless disease, symptoms of this type may occur early, but some men don't exhibit any symptoms until it has reached a more advanced stage. Common symptoms of this cancer are difficulty starting urination, weak flow of urine, frequent urination, and a change in a man's sexual function.
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If a prostate cancer patient's symptoms are present, the doctor may recommend radical prostatectomies, either open or laparoscopic. An open radical prostatectomy involves a large incision in the lower abdomen, while a laparoscopic one requires a series of small incisions in the stomach. Regardless of the type of radical prostatectomy, early diagnosis and treatment are critical to a positive outcome.
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The early detection of prostate cancer is key, and a yearly check-up can help detect it at its early stages. Your physician may detect an abnormality during a PSA test, or a rectal exam. While early warning signs of prostate cancer are rare, they should not be overlooked. The severity of the symptoms depends on the stage of the disease, and the location of the disease. While a PSA test will indicate whether a patient has prostate cancer, other tests such as a biopsy will determine the location and type of tumor.
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Despite these common symptoms, some men may be unable to conceive. Urine loss is a common side effect of radiation therapy and surgery. Patients with prostate cancer should discuss fertility options with their doctors before undergoing these treatments. While it is important to get treatment immediately, the risks of prostate cancer treatment may outweigh the benefits of these methods. However, if a patient is unable to have a child after having surgery or radiation, they should seek further medical evaluation.
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The earliest signs of prostate cancer include a sudden urge to urinate without a clear reason, and an abnormality causing pain may not be a symptom at all. A sudden urge to urinate before a toilet trip may also be a sign of prostate cancer. These symptoms may be caused by a benign condition. If you experience any of these symptoms, it's important to visit your doctor for a routine checkup and treatment.
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Men with family history of prostate cancer have an increased risk of developing the disease. While women with a family history of breast cancer are at higher risk, men with a strong genetic predisposition for this disease should also have their doctor check them out. Having a family history of cancer will also prompt screening if suspicious symptoms arise. Once you have confirmed that you have prostate cancer, your doctor will prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.
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Although symptoms may not be visible right away, the most important thing to remember is that there are several ways to determine whether the disease has spread. For example, if the cancer has spread to the bones, it is called metastatic cancer. Having this cancer is a serious problem, especially if it has spread to other parts of the body. There is no known cause of prostate cancer, but there are several risk factors that increase your risk of developing it.
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The Gleason score is used to categorize the cells in the prostate. The higher the Gleason score, the more aggressive the cancer cells are. The Gleason score can be six to 10; a Gleason score of seven indicates the presence of cancer cells. For men with a low PSA level, it means that the cancer cells have not yet reached the stage of metastatic disease. The more aggressive the cells, the higher the risk of death.
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Once you've identified that you have prostate cancer, your doctor may recommend active surveillance. Active surveillance means repeating PSA testing every six months, as well as an annual DRE. Your doctor will then monitor your symptoms to decide if they should prescribe treatment or not. In some cases, aggressive cancer may have spread to the bones and may require a combination of treatments to relieve symptoms. However, there are many ways that you can manage your symptoms.