While most pediatric cancers in children are uncommon, there are still signs and symptoms that can raise a parent's concerns. Common symptoms include coughing, fatigue, enlarged lymph nodes, and bone pain. Your child may also experience weight loss or weakness. If your child is experiencing any of these symptoms, you should schedule a visit with your child's doctor. This way, you and your child can be prepared for the inevitable: your child will be able to receive the best care possible.
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Diagnostic tests are important in finding the exact cause of a pediatric cancer. A pediatric oncologist may order a range of tests to confirm a diagnosis. Blood tests, imaging, and lumbar puncture may also be ordered. The doctor may also use specialized tests for children with rare tumors. Treatment options for rare cancers depend on the type of cancer, the child's age, and the tumor's location and size. The treatment options will vary depending on the patient's age and overall health.
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When a child is experiencing breast tumor symptoms, a doctor may recommend a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. Typically, benign tumors in children are benign, but sometimes they can quickly grow and cause discomfort. If your child experiences these symptoms, a biopsy will be necessary to determine its exact nature. A biopsy of the bone marrow is another diagnostic method. The marrow is the sponge-like tissue in the center of large bones, where blood forms.
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Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is the second-most common childhood cancer and accounts for about 5% of all childhood cancers. Non-Hodgkin lymphomas are different from their adult counterparts and tend to grow quickly, requiring intensive treatment. However, when cancer in children is discovered, it usually responds well to treatment. For example, it responds to chemotherapy better than a non-Hodgkin lymphoma in adults.
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In addition to childhood leukemias, children can also develop cancers in the bone marrow and blood. Leukemias, or blood cancers, account for about twenty-two percent of all childhood cancers and are typically curable. Acute leukemia, or ALL, causes joint pain, pale skin, and fever, and may also cause weight loss. Most pediatric cancers in children are cured with chemotherapy, which makes it the most common cancer in children.
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Neuroblastoma is a cancer that begins in immature nerve cells in an embryo or fetus. About six percent of all childhood cancers, neuroblastomas most often occur in young children and infants. They are rare in children over the age of 10, although it can occur in older children. Neuroblastoma can affect any organ but typically begins in the belly. In children, neuroblastoma can cause fever and bone pain.
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Thyroid cancers form in the tissues of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ that lies near the windpipe. It produces important hormones that regulate heart rate, growth, temperature, and how quickly food is converted into energy. The majority of childhood thyroid tumors develop in girls. Tumors can be benign or malignant and can spread to the lungs or other parts of the body.
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Other common childhood cancers are teratomas, fibromas, and hemangiomas. While most of these tumors are benign and slow-growing, some of them can grow into cancer or spread to other parts of the body. Children with these tumors can experience similar symptoms to those who suffer from asthma. However, a proper diagnosis will be needed in order to determine the best course of treatment.
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Osteosarcoma symptoms depend on the size and location of the bone tumor. Some children have unexplained limps or broken bones. Bone pain caused by osteosarcomas can radiate to the arms and legs. As with any cancer, early diagnosis is crucial to treatment success. The most important thing to remember is that your child's condition does not have to be a death sentence. Symptoms are often not apparent until the cancer has progressed.
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Treatment for rare cancers of childhood usually consists of several treatments. Chemotherapy is one treatment option that stops cancer cells from multiplying. It is usually given to the child through a vein and can take weeks or months to work. Surgery can be an option for patients with intermediate-risk neuroblastoma. During surgery, the surgeon may remove the tumor, removing cancer cells from lymph nodes as well as removing it. After surgery, chemotherapy may be necessary, depending on the risk factors and tumor response.