Patients with kidney cancer should seek medical attention if they experience blood in the urine, also known as hematuria. Surgical treatment is available to remove the affected kidney if the disease has not spread too far. Treatment will depend on how far the cancer has spread and how severe it is. People with African American descent, American Indians, and Alaska Native heritage are at a greater risk for this disease than Caucasians and whites.
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Surgical treatment includes a kidney-sparing procedure known as nephrectomy. This procedure can relieve many symptoms, such as high blood pressure and calcium levels in the blood. Surgery does not cure the disease, but it can significantly improve a patient's quality of life and the survival rate. Other treatments include immunotherapy, which strengthens the immune system to fight the disease. Patients with early-stage renal cell cancer may have fewer side effects than those with advanced-stage cases.
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Most cases of renal cell cancer occur in individuals aged 50-70. However, it can develop at any age and is more common in men than women. People with this disease are more likely to survive if it is detected in its early stages. In addition, cigarette smoking doubles the risk of developing renal cell cancer. Smoking is a major risk factor for developing the disease, which accounts for one-third of cases.
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Radical nephrectomy is the standard treatment for kidney cancer. A surgeon can remove part or the entire kidney as well as the lymph nodes and other tissues in the area. If the tumor is large and unreachable by surgery, patients can also undergo laparoscopic surgery. However, surgery is not always possible for patients with very low blood pressure or frailty. In addition to surgery, patients with kidney cancer may undergo a procedure known as embolization, which blocks the blood supply to the kidney and causes the tumor to shrink.
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During the course of the disease, the cancer cells break off from the primary tumor and travel to other parts of the body. These cancer cells are called metastatic tumors. In this stage, they may spread to other vital organs, such as the liver or the lungs. When the tumor spreads to these organs, it will be dangerous to the patient. If left untreated, it may lead to the death of several vital organs.
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One of the most common forms of kidney cancer in adults is renal cell carcinoma. It accounts for approximately 85% of all malignant tumors in the kidney. RCC is a common form of kidney cancer and affects the kidney's proximal convoluted tubule. RCC usually starts as a single mass in a kidney, though it can develop into multiple tumors. Fortunately, most RCC tumors are detected early before they spread to other organs.
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If you are noticing blood in your urine, you may be suffering from renal cell cancer. You may also notice a mass in your abdomen, or high blood pressure, anemia, and abnormal liver function. Symptoms for this type of cancer may not show up until the cancer has spread to other parts of your body. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is time to consult your physician. It is best to consult your family doctor right away if you think you might have renal cell cancer.
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While there are no immediate symptoms of renal cell cancer, you should seek medical attention if you notice blood in your urine, known as hematuria. Surgery may be necessary, but it depends on whether the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. People who have kidney cancer are more likely to be African-American, American Indian, or Alaska Native than Caucasians. Symptoms of this type of cancer vary from one person to another.
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A person's age, gender, and family history may increase the risk of getting this type of cancer. People with a family history of cancer should seek medical care if they experience any of these symptoms. There are no screenings for kidney cancer, but early detection and treatment improves survival rates. In addition to getting medical care for kidney cancer, patients should make sure to take care of their weight, blood pressure, and diet to stay healthy and strong.