If you are experiencing any of the following Soft Tissue Sarcoma Symptoms, you should immediately seek medical attention. Treatment for soft tissue sarcomas may include surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy. Ultimately, the course of treatment will depend on the extent of the disease, the patient's age, and the type of sarcoma present. Ideally, treatment should be performed through minimally invasive surgery.
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Among the soft tissue sarcoma symptoms, a lump forms in the area of the tumor. Sometimes this lump is painful, especially if it presses on a nerve or muscle. Even if it doesn't hurt, a lump may still be a sign of this disease. If you notice a lump that is neither painful nor changing in size, you should see a doctor. A sarcoma that is near the surface of the skin may be movable, while one that is more deeply embedded beneath the skin may stay firmly fixed in place. A soft tissue sarcoma typically measures four to five centimeters in diameter.
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Diagnostic tests for soft tissue sarcoma are usually done with specialized imaging techniques. In contrast, CT scans are performed using computerized tomography (CT) scanners. This imaging technique produces cross-sectional images of organs and tissues. It may also help doctors monitor the response of the tumor to treatment. However, MRIs and CT scans can only be performed if the patient is able to tolerate them.
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Although the symptoms of soft tissue sarcomas may vary, the first few days of the disease usually involve no noticeable symptoms. Some patients experience a gradual growth of a mass, while others experience painless swelling of the affected area. Large tumors in the arms and legs can be painful and can lead to bleeding during bowel movements. When near the skin, tumors can also cause tingling or burning sensations.
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While symptoms of soft tissue sarcoma may not be obvious, they should not be ignored. The condition's early symptoms may be due to other conditions. As such, you should consult your doctor if you notice lumps in your body that are not related to a specific diagnosis. In addition to medical evaluation, imaging tests can also help doctors diagnose the condition and determine what treatment options are best for your specific case.
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Some people are at higher risk for developing soft tissue sarcoma than others. While it does not run in families, soft tissue sarcomas can run in families if one or more members share certain genetic cancer predisposition syndromes. However, the chances of developing this condition are still extremely low and symptomatic treatment is the first step to preventing the disease. The treatment of soft tissue sarcoma begins with an accurate diagnosis and early detection.
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Symptoms of Soft Tissue Sarcomas vary depending on the type of cancer. These cancers may be in the muscle, fat, or blood vessels of the body and can occur at any age. Most commonly, a soft tissue sarcoma presents as a painless lump in an area that is not usually affected by disease. Treatment for soft tissue sarcomas generally involves surgery and radiation therapy. In some cases, chemotherapy may also be necessary.
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While these cancers are often symptomless in the early stages, some patients may experience swelling or a visible lump. When a soft tissue sarcoma affects the stomach or intestine, symptoms may only emerge when it has spread to other parts of the body. A growing tumor can cause blockage of the digestive tract, preventing food from moving easily. Some patients also experience blood in their vomit.
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A slow-growing tumor may develop anywhere on the body. The most common places for these tumors are the lining of the lung, pelvis, or the meninges, the thick layer covering the spinal cord and brain. Symptoms may appear slowly but may include pain, weakness, or difficulty moving the affected body part. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.