Squamous cell cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among adults in the U.S., but not all cases are reported to cancer registries. The Canadian Cancer Society reports that the relative survival rate for this disease is 95 percent. Squamous cell cancer of the skin can be fatal if left untreated, but it's highly treatable if detected in its early stages.
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Initially, squamous cell skin cancer symptoms typically present themselves as a wart, crusty spot, sore that doesn't heal, or ulcer. Eventually, the tumor may spread to other parts of the body. In addition to skin lesions, squamous cell skin cancer can also manifest as a lump in the neck, abdomen, or elsewhere.
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Typically, squamous cell carcinoma is found in areas of the body that are frequently exposed to the sun. In addition, the risk of a second or third occurrence is increased for people with pre-cancerous skin lesions. People with weakened immune systems are also at increased risk. This includes people with leukemia or lymphoma, as well as those taking medications that suppress the immune system. Finally, those with a history of frequent blistering sunburns are at increased risk for the disease.
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A biopsy will help determine the severity of your cSCC. This involves the removal of a small sample of affected skin and sending it to a laboratory for testing. In more advanced cases, a larger portion of the abnormal growth or all of it may be removed. Whether or not you have cSCC requires a biopsy is not known for certain, but it is important to attend follow-up appointments with your doctor to ensure the condition does not return.
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Besides these symptoms, squamous cell cancer may also have some risk factors. You may need to avoid sunlight for a long time if you have the condition. You may notice a red or purple bump under your fingernail, or a white or gray blot on your lower lip. If you develop any of these symptoms, you should immediately see a doctor to have your skin examined.
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Most cases of squamous cell cancer of the skin can be cured with treatment, and the majority of patients can return to their normal lifestyles. However, if the cancer spreads beyond the skin, the chances are high. You should therefore wear protective clothing when out in the sun, preferably a wide-brimmed hat. Wear sunglasses that block UVA and UVB rays, and be sure to consult your dermatologist if you're not sure whether these measures are appropriate for you.
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Depending on the size and location of the growth, squamous cell cancer can spread to nearby lymph nodes. Treatment for this cancer depends on its location and size. Treatment may involve removing a sample of the suspected growth, which is called a skin biopsy. This sample is then sent to a laboratory for further testing. You may need to undergo a surgical procedure if you have squamous cell cancer of the skin.
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Squamous cell cancer of the skin is usually found in areas of constant exposure to the sun. It may spread to the lymph nodes, but if treated early, cSCC is generally curable. If you've had a previous squamous cell cancer, the chances are good that it will not return. If the tumor is high grade or large, it's likely to recur.
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The second most common form of skin cancer is squamous cell carcinoma. It starts in squamous cells that make keratin, the horny protein. It can meet with other cancer cells and metastasize. However, SCC is easy to treat when diagnosed early. The symptoms of squamous cell cancer of the skin are common. If you have any suspicious areas, visit your doctor.
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Treatment of squamous cell skin cancer depends on the type of cancer, its size, and its spread. Some squamous cell skin cancers are more difficult to treat than others. Treatment can include surgical excision, curettage, or electroshock therapy. The treatment may also include chemotherapy, which is administered intravenously every few weeks. Chemotherapy can shrink tumors and slow its spread.
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If the symptoms of squamous cell cancer are present, a biopsy may be done. The biopsy tissue is examined under a microscope and the pathologist determines whether there are any cancer cells in the sample. The lymph nodes can be examined for cancer cells. The cancer can spread in three ways: it can grow in nearby tissues, enter the lymph system, or travel through blood vessels.