There are several symptoms of squamous cell cancer of the skin. The most common is an abnormal growth on the skin. This growth can be in the form of a wart, a crusty spot, an ulcer, or a sore that doesn't heal. If the growth is on a different part of the body, it can also be a lump. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.
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Squamous cell skin cancer is curable. Treatments depend on its size, location, and spread. Some cancers may be more difficult to treat than others, and treatment may require several treatments. Surgery is the most common treatment for squamous cell skin cancer, and involves cutting out the affected area and stitching it back together. Curettage and photodynamic therapy are other treatments that may be used. Photodynamic therapy involves using a light-sensitizing topical on the affected area to kill malignant cells while sparing healthy tissue.
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Treatment for squamous cell cancer of the skin may be limited in its severity and is often very treatable if detected early. Skin cancer is the most common cancer among U.S. adults, yet many cases go unreported due to lack of awareness. The Canadian Cancer Society tracks the five-year relative survival rate of cutaneous SCC at the time of diagnosis. The five-year survival rate is 95 percent.
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Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin is a common type of keratinocyte cancer. It starts in the squamous cells of the upper epidermis. Squamous cell carcinoma can sometimes metastasize. Some people develop this type of cancer as a result of exposure to radiation and chemicals. But it usually does not spread beyond the affected area.
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In contrast, a condition called Bowen's disease is a precancerous form of Squamous cell cancer. Often found on the lower leg, this condition can progress into SCC. Another symptom of squamous cell cancer of the skin is Actinic keratoses, which are small, dry patches of skin. In addition, these patches can be caused by exposure to the sun.
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Squamous cell cancer of the skin is the second most common type of skin cancer. It generally grows in areas that are exposed to the sun. It may also develop in the mouth or genital area. People with fair skin have a higher risk of developing this form of cancer. Sores in sun-exposed areas may be suspicious, as they can develop into squamous cell cancer.
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In addition to skin cancer, other types of cancer can develop in the skin. Basal cell cancer is a precursor of squamous cell carcinoma. Certain types of inherited UV-sensitive skin disorders are associated with the development of squamous cell cancer. The most common symptoms of this type of cancer include:
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If you suspect squamous cell cancer in your patient, you should consider undergoing a biopsy to diagnose the condition. A biopsy involves removing a small amount of skin for analysis. The result of the biopsy will determine the treatment plan. In most cases, the cancer is curable, although you should take precautions to protect yourself from sun damage. The doctor may also recommend a course of treatment that involves periodic checkups and preventative measures.
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Squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is the most common form of skin cancer. It usually develops on the face, but it can affect other parts of the body as well. Its symptoms include changes in skin texture, irregular growth, and itching. If left untreated, this cancer can lead to further complications. You should seek medical attention immediately for any of these symptoms.