If left untreated, Squamous Cell Cancer of the Skin can spread to other organs and destroy nearby healthy tissue. If not caught in time, it can be fatal. Midday sunlight is a key factor in developing this condition, particularly for people in Northern America. While midday sun may be a minor concern in the winter months, it's essential to wear sunscreen all year long, especially broad spectrum ones with SPF 30 or higher.
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Although cSCC looks different on each person, it is often characterized by irregularities and spots on the skin. It depends on the person's skin tone and other factors, but in general, the sun is a major contributor. Exposure to tanning beds and sunlamps can also damage DNA. About 90% of SCCs are the result of DNA mutations that result in abnormal growth of squamous cells.
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A squamous cell cancer can occur on any part of the body, but is most common on areas exposed to the sun. It can occur anywhere on the body, including the mouth and scalp. People with a fair skin tone are more susceptible to developing it. Squamous cell cancer symptoms are most noticeable when the affected area is covered in a scaly, irregular patch of skin.
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Squamous cell cancer is diagnosed through a biopsy. When the tumor is small, it does little damage to the skin, but if not removed, it can spread to lymph nodes and other parts of the body. The cancer can spread in three ways, including growth into neighboring tissues, spreading through the lymph system, and spreading through blood vessels. If you are not aware of the symptoms, the best course of action is to seek medical attention.
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If you notice any suspicious skin lesions or sores, you should visit your doctor immediately. Only a board-certified dermatologist can diagnose the condition and treat it. It is important to avoid sun exposure and indoor tanning. It has been linked with increased risk of skin cancer and is more difficult to treat than other types of skin cancer. You should visit your doctor right away to ensure that your skin is cancer-free.
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Squamous cell skin cancer is curable if detected early. But if it has spread, treatment is the key. Depending on the extent of the cancer and the stage it is at, treatment may involve chemotherapy, which is usually administered intravenously once every few weeks. If successful, chemotherapy may also shrink tumors and reduce symptoms. The Canadian Cancer Society tracks the five-year survival rate of patients diagnosed with squamous cell skin cancer.
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After the diagnosis, a doctor will examine the area for signs and symptoms of SCC. He will look for irregular growths and borderlines. A biopsy may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis. In high-risk cases, imaging scans may be ordered to confirm the diagnosis and to determine whether the tumor has spread to nearby lymph nodes. The doctor will also examine for precancerous lesions on your skin.
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Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common type of skin cancer. It affects flat cells in the epidermis and other tissues. This type of cancer usually occurs on areas that are frequently exposed to the sun, including the face, neck, chest, and upper back. It can spread to surrounding tissues and bones. The good news is that it's curable when detected early.
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Surgery is the preferred method of treating Squamous Cell Carcinoma. During early stage, low-risk tumors may be removed using Mohs surgery. Mohs surgery involves removing the cancer while sparing healthy tissue. Occasionally, patients may also undergo photodynamic therapy, which involves applying a light-sensitive topical on the affected area. This method helps to kill the malignant cells while sparing healthy tissue.
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Squamous cell cancer can affect any area of the skin, including the face, neck, and chin. The most common sites include the face, neck, bald scalp, and extensor forearms. Squamous cell carcinomas may also appear on the extensor forearms, dorsal hands, and shins.
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The risk of developing Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of The Skin is higher for people who spend a lot of time outside. Wear protective clothing and wear sunblock when outdoors. Sunburns of any kind increase the risk of developing this cancer. People with fair skin are particularly susceptible, as it lacks pigment and thus provides less protection from UV radiation. People with light-colored eyes and hair are at an increased risk of developing this condition.