Different types of treatment options are available for patients with squamous neck cancer. Some treatments are standard, while others are being studied in clinical trials. Treatment clinical trials are aimed at improving existing treatments or obtaining information about new treatments. New treatments that show promise in clinical trials may become standard treatments in the future. Some clinical trials are restricted to patients who have not started treatment. Squamous neck cancer treatment options are surgical or radiotherapeutic.
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The cancer starts in the mucosal epithelium of the mouth, pharynx, and nose. In addition to amplification of the HPV-16 gene, these tumors also contain mutations in p16INK4A and CDKN2A. These mutations may contribute to the development of head and neck cancer. Some tumors are metastatic or have no known primary. These cancers are usually diagnosed through a biopsy.
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Two recent trials have evaluated the efficacy of cisplatin and methotrexate for head and neck cancer patients. The trial results have shown that cisplatin was a better treatment for patients with squamous cell carcinoma compared to carboplatin alone. However, more research is needed to compare the efficacy of different treatment options. Forastiere AA and Worden FP are two head and neck cancer researchers who are actively studying the use of cisplatin in the treatment of head and neck cancer.
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In addition to treating the primary cancer, squamous neck cancer can spread to lymph nodes of the neck. The cancer can spread to lymph nodes in nearby organs, the lymphatic system, or distant parts of the body. The most common sites of metastatic squamous neck cancer are the tongue, tonsils, and nasopharynx. If this cancer spreads beyond the neck, the cancer has spread beyond the neck to lymph nodes.
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Performing a biopsy of a mass in the neck is an essential step in diagnosing squamous cell carcinoma. The doctor performs a fine needle aspiration or core needle biopsy. If there is a high risk of human papillomavirus or Epstein-Barr virus, a core needle biopsy may be necessary. The biopsy results will be interpreted by a pathologist.
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Squamous cell cancer is more common in people with weakened immune systems than in healthy individuals. People with leukemia, lymphoma, or medications that suppress the immune system are at increased risk for cSCC. People with skin disorders that suppress the immune system may also be prone to squamous cell cancer. They may also have skin conditions, such as xeroderma pigmentosum.
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Patients with squamous cell cancer may undergo chemotherapy or immunotherapy as part of their treatment. The effectiveness of these therapies depends on the stage of the cancer. During chemotherapy, the patient may be given a combination of different drugs or receive only one treatment. Some patients with advanced squamous cell cancer may receive a combination of chemotherapy and radiation. However, it is important to note that patients with squamous cell cancer should also be considered for immunotherapy.
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When the cancer spreads to the regional lymph nodes, the doctor may recommend that they be removed. If they are large and have deep roots, regional lymph nodes may also be removed. If cancer cells are found in the lymph nodes, the removed lymph nodes will be examined under a microscope. Radiation therapy may be recommended after the surgery. If the treatment does not work, the patient may need additional treatments. In addition to chemotherapy, nutrition may have adverse effects or even worsen the condition.
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Other treatments for squamous cell cancer are based on research. One drug, Cetuximab, is a monoclonal antibody that is used to treat metastatic squamous neck cancer. This drug was studied in patients with platinum-resistant squamous cell cancer. A second drug, Pembrolizumab, is an antibody that inhibits the cyclin-dependent kinase-4/6 enzyme.
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Treatment for patients with a neck mass may include radiation therapy or surgery. A full course of radiation therapy may be necessary, as may a surgical dissection to remove lymph nodes. If a mass persists despite treatment, surgery should be done to remove it. If the cancer spreads to the neck nodes, a surgical dissection may be necessary. When treatment options are limited, patients may undergo radiotherapy or surgery to remove the tumor.