What Are the Symptoms of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ? It is important to know what they are and how to cope with them. You may want to consult a specialist or seek a second opinion. Your doctor can recommend the best course of treatment based on the information you have provided them. If you feel that the symptoms of DCIS are serious, you may want to consult a second opinion.
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In addition to the symptoms listed above, you should consider getting a mammogram as soon as possible. During a mammogram, look for abnormalities in the size and shape of the lump. While this type of cancer usually has no symptoms, it is important to be diagnosed early for the best treatment options. The survival rate for women with DCIS is near 100 percent, and the standard treatment is not particularly hard to tolerate.
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Patients should also ask their doctor about the treatment options available for DCIS. Some women may not qualify for radiation therapy because of previous radiation treatments or because they have systemic lupus erythematosus. In other cases, they may opt for mastectomy. If radiation is not an option for them, they can consider DCIS as an alternative. However, it is important to note that the symptoms of DCIS may not be immediately apparent, so you should consult your doctor for further information.
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Symptoms of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ can be difficult to identify because they are so vague and inconclusive. A biopsy will provide a diagnosis and treatment recommendations. Fortunately, a doctor can diagnose a cancer diagnosis with a mammogram if the symptoms are present. During the surgery, your doctor will use a specialized tool to locate the exact cancer.
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Most women do not experience any ductal carcinoma in situ symptoms. The disease may be symptom-free or cause a blood nipple discharge. It may have a calcification or irregular shape. Genetic mutations in the breast duct cells can cause this condition. These cells do not have the ability to break out of the breast duct. The only symptoms of ductal carcinoma in situ are abnormal cell growth.
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A doctor may order a biopsy if the DCIS is confined to the breast or to the lymph nodes. This can improve the chances of successful treatment. A tumor that grows within the ducts of the breast is Stage 0 (no visible signs). It is rare and will not affect a person's quality of life, but it can cause significant problems for the patient.
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You may experience a variety of symptoms, including breast tenderness or a lump in the rectum. You may experience swelling and pain in the rectum. Your doctor will likely prescribe a drug. Fortunately, ductal cancer in situ is not invasive, so it does not affect your health. Nevertheless, it can affect other parts of your body, and if it does, it will spread to other organs.
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Although you may not notice any symptoms of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ, it is important to visit your doctor if you notice a lump in the breast. A lump in the breast can be a sign of cancer. It may be accompanied by a blood nipple discharge. If the lump is located in the duct, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause.
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A mammogram will reveal a ductal mass in the breast. This is a sign of ductal carcinoma in situ. In some cases, it may be asymptomatic. But, you should also see a doctor immediately if you develop the symptoms of this cancer. You may have a lump in your rectum, but it is not cancer. It is not an indicator of breast cancer. If you feel any of these symptoms, it is important to see a physician as soon as possible.
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Most people do not experience any symptoms of ductal carcinoma in situ. There are no symptoms of the disease. In many cases, the cancerous cells are in the milk duct, where they are found in the breast. In such cases, the symptoms are asymmetrical and may not be apparent until they've grown in a separate location. A physical exam is essential, but it does not mean that you'll have to visit a specialist every time you suspect the presence of a lump in your breast.