Symptoms of esophageal cancer can be difficult to identify, especially in the early stages. Many people will experience difficulty swallowing, which can cause a feeling that the food is stuck in their throat. As the tumor grows, the esophagus will become narrow and choking can occur. You may experience these problems for months or even years. If you notice any of these changes, you should see your physician for a thorough evaluation.
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Patients with stage I and II esophageal cancer may have difficulty swallowing. As the tumor grows, swallowing may become painful and difficult. Some patients experience a hoarse voice, which is another sign that the tumor has spread. Depending on the stage of the disease, patients may also experience frequent hiccups, or even vomit blood. As these symptoms become more severe, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
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Those with stage I or II esophageal cancer may have difficulty swallowing. Those with gastroesophageal reflux disease may also have pain after swallowing. In addition, more than 50 percent of esophageal cancer patients will experience unexplained weight loss, which is usually caused by a decrease in appetite. A doctor may also perform an endoscopy to diagnose the condition, which may help determine a person's stage of progression.
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Other symptoms of esophageal cancer include difficulty swallowing. Some people suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease will experience chest pain, while others will feel like their food is stuck in the throat. Some patients may have hoarse voices or a decreased appetite, but it is important to be aware of any signs of trouble swallowing. A patient suffering from esophageal cancer will also have frequent hiccups and may vomit blood.
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Other esophageal cancer symptoms include difficulty swallowing. Some people who suffer from chronic heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease experience burning in the chest after swallowing. Some people with esophageal cancer will also experience unexplained weight loss. It may be caused by swallowing difficulties or decreased appetite. Some patients with esophageal cancer will even experience chest pain after eating.
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As the tumor grows in size, patients with esophageal cancer may have difficulty swallowing. In addition to the pain, they may experience difficulty breathing or have a low red blood cell count. Symptoms of esophageal cancer may include these: Those with a weakened appetite or a decreased appetite are at risk of having the tumor removed. However, these symptoms are often symptomatic of a broader problem, such as another disease.
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People with esophageal cancer may experience a throbbing pain in the chest. If a patient has a tumor on the esophagus, it may block the food from passing through the esophagus. Other symptoms of esophageal cancer include a low red blood cell count and a feeling of being weak or rundown. Although these symptoms are indicative of esophageal cancer, they may also signal other health problems.
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The symptoms of esophageal cancer may be related to other health problems, or they may not be at all related to the disease. In some cases, the symptoms of esophageal cancer are not related to other health problems, and may also signal other conditions. For example, a person with heartburn or low red blood cell count can be suffering from esophageal cancer.
When you have a tumor in your esophagus, it will cause symptoms to develop. Some of the symptoms of esophageal cancer include the following: impaired swallowing, pain when swallowing, and trouble with speaking. In addition to these, you may experience bleeding, hiccups, and even blood. In some cases, the esophagus will become affected with tumors, so you will need to see a doctor to have it diagnosed.
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Symptoms of esophageal cancer include a persistent cough and chest pain. A stent is a thin, wire-mesh tube that is placed inside the esophagus. It allows food and liquid to pass. A J tube is used to allow gastric pullup patients to swallow large amounts of food. A jejunostomy tube is a soft plastic tube that is inserted into the middle segment of the small intestine.