There are several symptoms of esophageal cancer, and it is important to know them. While some symptoms are not esophageal cancer, some are related to other conditions. As the cancer grows, the cancer may spread to other parts of the body. The specific symptoms of this disease will vary based on the location of the cancer. For instance, the patient may have pain in the bones or spine, or hiccups. Additionally, if the cancer has spread to the lungs or liver, a patient may experience abdominal pain and blood.
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A patient may experience difficulty swallowing as a result of the cancer. This can be frightening, as the food becomes stuck in the throat and you may even feel like choking. The difficulty in swallowing generally increases with the size of the tumor and becomes harder to handle. Patients may also experience chest pain after swallowing liquids or eating soft foods. In addition to these symptoms, patients may experience a decrease in appetite or an increased need for liquids.
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Oftentimes, symptoms of esophageal cancer become apparent only once the disease is advanced. This is because many individuals have been suffering from the symptoms for some time and have just adjusted to them. As a result, people with the symptoms may have tried to adjust their eating habits to cope with the pain. One of the first signs of esophageal cancer is difficulty swallowing. Some individuals experience pain when swallowing, and food may get stuck in the esophagus. In some cases, acid reflux can also be a factor. Regardless of the cause of your condition, it is imperative to monitor your symptoms and seek medical treatment if they persist or progress.
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A person with a family history of esophageal cancer is at a higher risk for developing the disease than anyone else. However, anyone with a history of cancer is at an increased risk of developing the disease. Your physician will ask you about your family medical history and order tests to rule out a specific cause of your symptoms. In addition to the above-mentioned symptoms, you may notice a change in your eating habits. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should contact a doctor to make an appointment.
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The main symptoms of esophageal cancer are not obvious until it has spread. The most common symptom is difficulty swallowing. A person who is having trouble swallowing may feel like they have food stuck in their throat. As the tumor grows, it narrows the esophagus. A person who experiences difficulty swallowing may feel choking. If you have these symptoms, you should contact your doctor. If you continue to experience these symptoms, your physician may want to perform a procedure.
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The symptoms of esophageal cancer are usually not noticeable until it has spread to other parts of the body. Nevertheless, they may occur if the disease has spread. A diagnosis of esophageal cancer requires a biopsy to confirm the presence of the cancer. This is because a person's stomach has a tumor in it. Then, a person will experience difficulty swallowing. If this happens, the food will not get through.
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Generally, esophageal cancer symptoms do not manifest themselves until the cancer is large enough. These symptoms include difficulty swallowing. The person may feel like food is stuck in his throat, which can cause difficulty in swallowing. In addition, a person may have a low red blood cell count, which may signal a problem with his or her immune system. These are only a few of the symptoms of esophageal cancer.
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The first sign of esophageal cancer is difficulty swallowing. This symptom can be severe, making it difficult for patients to swallow. Other symptoms include a decreased appetite and a change in voice. Some people may also have difficulty speaking or choking. These can also be indicators of other health issues. These symptoms may not be related to esophageal cancer, but they may signal other problems.
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Another symptom of esophageal cancer is difficulty swallowing. It can feel like the food is stuck in the throat, or even cause chest pain. If you have trouble swallowing, you may have esophageal cancer. You may experience a runny cough or a weak feeling. Other symptoms of esophageal cancer are similar to those of gastroesophageal cancer, but can also be warning signs of other conditions.