The first step in determining whether you have metastatic cancer is to consult with a medical professional. Your doctor can perform several tests to determine the location of the tumor. A MRI or CT scan is the most common way to diagnose this condition. This test uses magnets and radio waves to detect abnormalities in any part of the body. PET or positron emission tomography (PET) scans are the most sensitive of the tests. Patients should be aware that these tests may not give definitive answers. Your healthcare provider may also collect a small biopsy of a suspected tumor in order to confirm the diagnosis.
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Hematogenous metastases are cancer cells that have spread to other parts of the body. Hematogenous metastases are found in multiple locations and are often located a considerable distance from the primary tumor. They can be found in the lung, liver, kidney, and bone. They may also be felt in the stomach or pancreas. Other symptoms associated with metastatic cancer include headaches, nausea, and dizziness. Depending on the location of the cancer, patients may experience memory loss, speech difficulties, or personality changes.
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Other symptoms of metastatic cancer may include swelling of the hands or feet, fatigue, or a hardened, scaly skin or tongue. A healthcare provider may perform periodic scans to detect metastatic cancer. These scans can help identify symptoms and track the progression of the disease. These tests are commonly performed using X-ray, CT scan, and magnetic resonance imaging. The scans help doctors evaluate the progress and extent of the metastatic disease.
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The symptoms of metastatic cancer are different for each type of disease. They vary depending on the type of tumor and where it has spread. Some people with metastatic cancer may experience symptoms months after their initial treatments. Sometimes, they may not even realize they have the disease until symptoms of the metastatic tumor develop. And if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, they will still have the same symptoms as before their primary cancer.
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Symptoms of metastatic cancer can be difficult to diagnose. They depend on where the cancer has spread. For example, metastatic cancer in the brain may result in severe headaches and vision disturbances, while a lung cancer may cause a decreased appetite and fatigue. Some of these symptoms may be caused by other conditions, but they are usually signs of metastasis. Some people may also have anemia. In addition to a decrease in energy, people with metastatic cancer can experience nausea, vomiting, and anemia.
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There are many symptoms of metastatic cancer. For example, people with breast cancer may experience increased bone pain. However, they may also experience more pain and sensitivity to touch. Those who have cancer in the abdomen and bones may suffer from bowel irregularities and irritability. If the pain is localized, the patient should visit the doctor immediately. The disease can spread to the lymph nodes and other parts of the body, including the brain.
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Some of these symptoms are related to the location of the tumor. When it is localized, symptoms can include dizziness, blurred vision, and hardened skin. But if the cancer has spread to the brain, it will cause a more severe problem and worsen existing conditions. For instance, cancer in the digestive system may cause bowel irregularities. These changes should be shared with your health care team. During this time, you may also experience nausea.
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Some metastatic cancer symptoms may not be localized. In some cases, pain can be felt throughout the body, including the legs and spine. Other people may experience dizziness or headaches. Optical blackouts or brief periods of disorientation are other common problems related to metastatic cancer. Lastly, metastatic cancer can cause other problems in your body. Your healthcare provider will need to perform several tests in order to determine whether your cancer has spread to other parts of your body.
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Other symptoms of metastatic cancer include increased pain, decreased appetite, and increased susceptibility to fractures. Some people experience headaches or memory problems and may also experience difficulty in moving. Moreover, these patients may develop a weak heart or a weakening of their immune system. If they have experienced these symptoms, it is important to consult a physician as soon as possible. There are many other signs of metastatic cancer, so it is imperative to get a proper diagnosis and get the treatment you need to stay healthy.