Although there is no definite cause for adrenocortical carcinoma, it may be linked to certain genetic syndromes. The p53 gene codes for a tumor suppressor protein, and an abnormality in this gene can lead to adrenocortical cancer. Luckily, this disease is highly curable when detected early, but many ACCs are not detected until an advanced stage.
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The earliest symptoms of adrenocortical carcinoma are a deepening of voice, swelling of the breasts, and an irregular menstrual cycle. There are no specific symptoms for men, as this disease is rare. However, symptoms are also present in women, and it is important to see a doctor if you're experiencing these or any other of these symptoms.
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Fortunately, there are several tests that can diagnose the disease. There are different types of adrenal gland cancer. The tests are used to detect the presence of cancer and to determine the stage it's at. Regardless of the stage of the disease, the tests can identify the extent of the tumor and whether it's spread to other parts of the body. The five-year survival rate for this type of cancer is about 50 percent, but if surgery isn't available, the survival rate can drop as low as 35 percent.
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Symptoms of adrenocortical cancer vary widely. Most people with the disease are diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime. It is important to get a complete physical exam if you suspect adrenocortical carcinoma. It may occur in any age, but it is a serious condition. It's important to seek the advice of a qualified medical professional as soon as possible.
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Adrenocortical cancer symptoms include a deepening of the voice and swelling of the breasts. A man with adrenocortical cancer will also have a persistent thirst. Among the symptoms of adrenocortical cancer include a deepening of the voice, a vaginal rash, and a loss of appetite.
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Symptoms of adrenocortical cancer may include vaginal bleeding, a deepening of the voice, and swelling of the sex organs. While these symptoms may be indicative of adrenocortical carcinoma, they may be associated with other conditions. It's important to seek the assistance of a medical professional if you suspect any of these symptoms.
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Patients with adrenocortical cancer may experience a deepening of the voice, breast swelling, and irregular menstrual cycles. Other symptoms of adrenocortical cancer include an altered taste for sex and an enlarged scrotum. These symptoms may also be caused by other conditions, but are most common in men with adrenocortical carcinoma.
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The main adrenocortical tumors that can occur in men are benign and nonfunctioning. Most adrenocortical tumor are small, nonfunctioning, and less than 4 cm in diameter. These are called adenomas. These are simply masses of abnormally-growing adrenal epithelial cells. They are not cancerous, and they rarely spread.
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There are several signs and symptoms of adrenocortical cancer. While the majority of adrenocortical tumors are nonfunctioning, they usually do not spread. These are benign, nonfunctional adrenocortical tumor. An adenoma is a mass of overgrowing adrenal epithelial cells. Despite being nonfunctional, adenomas can be malignant.
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When it is found in the adrenal gland, symptoms can be numerous. Some of these include anorexia, gastrointestinal problems, and metastases. When the tumor is functioning, it produces more hormones than the normal amount, while a nonfunctioning one doesn't produce any hormones at all. When a tumor is nonfunctioning, it doesn't affect the production of hormones.
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While the incidence of adrenocortical cancer is low, it should not be ignored. Symptoms of this cancer may include lower back and abdominal pain. A decrease in appetite or weight are other signs of the disease. Treatment for adrenocortical cancer depends on the stage of the cancer. Depending on the stage, chemotherapy may be recommended. If the tumor has spread, it will probably need to undergo surgery.
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In severe cases of the cancer, a biopsy may be necessary. If the cancer is detected at an early stage, it may be curable. During this procedure, the adrenal gland is removed, along with surrounding tissues. If the adrenocortical cancer is detected in an early stage, it may be curable in the long run. If the tumor is detected at an early stage, it will be much easier to treat.