Anal cancer can be treated with chemotherapy. Anal cancer is rare but has some warning signs, including frequent or loose stools. The symptoms of anal tumors can include difficulty controlling bowel movements, painful bleeding, or no symptom at all. Twenty percent of patients diagnosed with anal carcinoma do not exhibit any symptoms. Those without symptoms should be evaluated by a doctor. In some cases, a biopsy is required.
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Anal cancers can be internal or external. Internal types cannot be felt without a medical examination. However, external tumors are more noticeable and more likely to be detected. A typical anal tumor will feel hard and hardened compared to hemorrhoids, which feel soft. Anal cancers feel like a pebble or frozen pea. They can be painful, but they are not dangerous. A doctor can perform an exam to determine which type you have.
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Anal cancer is not easily noticeable unless it has spread. It is an unpleasant and uncomfortable ailment, accompanied by rectal bleeding. Most people diagnosed with anal cancer will undergo chemotherapy or radiation. In the latter case, the cancer may spread to nearby organs or distant parts of the body. It is important to seek treatment as soon as you notice any of these signs. It is also crucial to visit a doctor if you have any of the symptoms mentioned above.
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Anal cancer is caused by an abnormal opening that extends from the anus to the skin. In some cases, this fistula can spread to other parts of the body. There are also several risk factors associated with anal cancer. Most patients with anal cancer will have bleeding during bowel movements. Other symptoms include a lump in the anus, pain in the area, and changes in bowel habits. While this condition is often mild, it is important to see a doctor if you notice any of these symptoms.
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The symptoms of anal cancer vary from person to person. Most people who have an anal cancer will have a lump that is two centimetres or less in size. Stage IIIA is when the tumour has spread to nearby organs and distant parts of the body. Finally, the symptoms of anal cancer depend on the stage of the cancer. Anal tumors can range from a few millimetres to a few centimeters.
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Anal cancer can be internal or external. Anal cancer that is internal cannot be felt with the naked eye, but can be detected by a medical professional. It is much harder than a hemorrhoid and feels like a pebble or frozen pea. The symptoms are similar to those of hemorrhoids, but can also be felt by touch. Anal cancer may cause severe bleeding and even lead to death.
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Anal cancer symptoms can be internal or external. The former is easier to detect, but it may require a medical examination. It is much harder to feel than hemorrhoids, which feel like soft scars. It feels like a frozen pea. It is not possible to distinguish between the two. It is hard and feels more painful than a hemorrhoid. Anal cancer can be difficult to treat, so treatment options will vary from person to person.
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Despite the fact that it is difficult to feel, cancer cells in the anus can still be felt with the naked eye. Anal cancer is more likely to be internal than external, which makes it harder to feel. The cancer may also be smaller than the swollen anus. A swollen anus may be the first sign of anal cancer. While the pain is not felt by the naked eye, it can be noticeable by others.
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Symptoms of anal cancer can be difficult to identify. The most common are pain and swelling in the anal region. A lump in the anal region may indicate cancer. Anal asymmetry is a sign of anal malignancy. The pain may be associated with other problems in the anal area. Anal tumours can be a sign of anal cancer. It is vital to get a proper diagnosis and treatment to avoid anal pain.