Pediatricians can diagnose astrocytomas in childhood through a physical exam and neurological exam. A physical exam includes checking general signs of health and looking for abnormalities, as well as reflexes and other brain functions. The neurological exam involves checking the child's eye movements and reflexes. Your doctor will also order a blood test and imaging tests to confirm the diagnosis. Children with astrocytomas in childhood should see a pediatrician right away.
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The first step in treatment for children with astrocytomas is to determine the type of tumor. Some pediatric astrocytomas do not develop symptoms until they are large and threatening to the child's development. Others, however, show gradual changes before presenting with a rash or headaches. Although most childhood astrocytomas are low-grade, a biopsy may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.
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Once a diagnosis is made, the doctor will want to see the child for more testing to determine the extent of the tumor. If the tumor is small, doctors can remove it surgically, but they may need to repeat the procedure if the tumor has returned. If the tumor is large, doctors will need to remove it surgically. Afterwards, they may use radioactive tracings to see whether the tumor has recurred or not.
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If the child's symptoms are not resolved after a few weeks, they may require a biopsy to determine if the tumor is a malignant tumor. The child will undergo a cytogenetic analysis to check for changes on the chromosomes. Depending on the size of the tumor and the age of the patient, a diagnosis may take longer than expected. While the tumor is not harmful, treatment options may vary.
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In addition to a medical exam, your child may have symptoms of an astrocytoma in childhood. Those symptoms depend on the size and location of the tumor. For example, in young children, symptoms may include increased or decreased energy, a weakened side, or an increase in head size. If you suspect your child has astrocytomas in your child, you should talk to your pediatrician right away.
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Surgery is the main treatment for astrocytomas in children. The surgeon will try to remove as much of the tumour as possible. The surgery can be risky, and your child will need ongoing follow-up care. Your child may need multiple surgeries and chemotherapy, but a surgeon can remove as much as possible. Your pediatrician will discuss all treatment options with you. Your child may also experience symptoms of astrocytoma in childhood.
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A pediatrician may perform a cytogenetic analysis to detect tumor markers. This test will look for changes in the chromosomes. In children who have astrocytoma, surgery will most likely be the first option. A biopsy may be necessary to determine the correct diagnosis. If you suspect a tumor, your pediatrician will perform an MRI to ensure the growth. It will then determine the treatment options available.
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Your child may have different symptoms. The location of the tumor depends on the age of the child. If the tumor is in the brain, you may notice difficulty walking or balancing. Your child may also experience difficulty breathing and may have a growing head. The treatment options for astrocytomas in childhood depend on the grade of the tumor. Your pediatrician will determine the best treatment options for your child.
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Treatment options for astrocytomas in children will vary depending on the type of tumour and its location. Some children may show no symptoms while others may have symptoms for months or even years. Your pediatrician will consider the location of the tumour as well as the age of the child. A pediatrician can diagnose the astrocytoma in your child based on the symptoms that your child has. If you are concerned, make sure you take your child to the doctor as soon as possible.
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Treatment for astrocytomas in children can vary depending on the type and location of the tumor. Some types of treatments are standard, while others are still in clinical trials. Clinical trials are designed to improve current treatments and obtain information on new treatments. If the treatment is effective, your child may be eligible to participate in clinical trials. You may also be eligible for a clinical trial if your child's symptoms are similar to other illnesses or symptoms.