Most people who have bile duct cancer don't have any symptoms until later, but you should consider the signs and symptoms of bile duct cancer if you experience any of them. Fortunately, early diagnosis and treatment are the keys to cure and survival. Because bile carries a greenish-yellow chemical known as bilirubin, a tumor in this area can cause abdominal pain and other related problems.
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Some of the most common bile duct cancer symptoms are jaundice and pain in the abdominal area. If you notice any of these symptoms, consult with your doctor immediately. This condition is characterized by yellow skin and eyes. The whites of the eye may also deepen into brown or orange colors. These symptoms may be hard to recognize if you've never experienced them. So, be sure to ask your doctor about them as soon as possible.
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During your first visit to the doctor, your doctor will ask you about your bile duct cancer symptoms and take a detailed history of the disease. These symptoms are important in diagnosing bile duct cancer, and your doctors will likely try to relieve your pain as well as any other issues. This care is sometimes called palliative or supportive care, and will continue to be a part of your treatment.
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Symptoms of bile duct cancer vary widely from person to person. If you've had a recent bout of jaundice or other symptoms of inflammation of the liver, these may be signs of cholangiocarcinoma. You may notice a lack of energy or loss of appetite, which are the most common symptoms. You may also experience decreased clotting factors in your blood.
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Symptoms of bile duct cancer will vary, depending on the location of the bile duct. Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and discuss them with you. Your pain may be an indicator of bile duct cancer. The doctor will also perform a physical exam and do a biopsy. During the diagnostic procedure, your physician may use a cholangioscope to view the tumor directly.
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Some of the symptoms of bile duct cancer include jaundice. Jaundice is characterized by yellowing of the skin and eyes. The white of your eyes may become orange or brown. While these symptoms are a warning sign, you should be alert to any unusual changes in your liver. The symptoms of bile duct cancer are different in each person. Your doctor will use the information you give him to determine the best treatment.
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There are several other symptoms of bile duct cancer, including fever, unexplained weight loss, and nausea or vomiting. Typically, the symptoms of bile duct cancer will be accompanied by a physical examination and a history of your lifestyle. You may also notice a decreased appetite or loss of energy. Additionally, you may experience jaundice that is painful or bloody.
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One of the first symptoms of bile duct cancer is abdominal pain, which usually occurs in the advanced stages of the disease. Other symptoms of bile duct cancer include fever and cholangitis, a condition in which bilirubin accumulates in the bile ducts. Some people experience an appetite loss. However, this symptom is typically a temporary symptom and does not signal the presence of bile duct cancer.
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Another symptom of bile duct cancer is jaundice, which is a yellowish color of the skin and eyes. The white of the eye may deepen into an orange or brown color. If you have never experienced jaundice before, you should consider visiting a doctor to determine whether you are suffering from this disease. While a jaundice may seem harmless, it may indicate a more serious underlying condition.
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Symptoms of bile duct cancer are similar to those of hepatitis and bile duct cancer can be subtle or even absent altogether. Those with a symptom may not be aware of the disease. A blood test is the first step in diagnosing the condition and deciding whether to pursue treatment. Your doctor will check the ducts to see if they are obstructed.