The symptoms of bile duct cancer are similar to those of hepatitis. Depending on the location of the tumor, they may be mild or severe. Those tumors that are located outside the liver may cause jaundice and itchy skin. Patients who have bile duct cancer can experience dark urine and abdominal pain. The early symptoms of the disease do not necessarily indicate that the disease has spread. However, the signs and symptoms of bile duct cancer may include a yellow complexion, chalky stools, and pain beneath the ribs.
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The most common symptom of bile duct cancer is jaundice, characterized by yellowing of the skin, eyes, and other parts of the body. People who suffer from jaundice may have decreased appetite and an easy bruising tendency. While jaundice is not a sure sign of bile duct cancer, a few other symptoms may be signs of this disease. For example, the patient may experience pain while eating, loss of appetite, and unintended weight loss.
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In addition to jaundice, the symptoms of bile duct cancer are often associated with enlarged liver, abdominal pain, and bloating. Other symptoms may include low-grade fever and loss of appetite. Although bile duct tumors are usually painless, some may not develop symptoms until they have grown a large size. If you experience any of these symptoms, see your doctor immediately. The cancer will likely have spread throughout your body.
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Symptoms of bile duct cancer can range from painless jaundice to a loss of appetite, weight loss, and fatigue. In some cases, painless jaundice is the only symptom. Other signs include a yellow skin appearance, a lack of energy, and easy bruising. These symptoms may be the only indication that you have bile duct cancer. Once diagnosed, you can begin treatment.
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The main bile duct cancer symptoms include anemia, diarrhea, and weight loss. The most common symptoms of this type of cancer are pain and a loss of appetite. In rare cases, the cancer may be so advanced that it has spread into other organs. It is important to get a second opinion to confirm a diagnosis. Once you've been diagnosed, your doctor can recommend a treatment plan that works for you.
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Jaundice is one of the first signs of bile duct cancer. You may have a yellow skin color and white eyes, which may be indicative of a bile duct cancer. If you experience these symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The symptoms of bile duct cancer may also include pain in the bowel and nausea. You should consult your doctor if your eyes look yellow and feel unwell.
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The most common bile duct cancer symptoms are painless jaundice and anemia. You may experience abdominal pain or a weakness and feel faint. These symptoms are not necessarily indicative of bile duct cancer, but they can be a sign that you have bile duct cancer. They can mimic other conditions, and it can be difficult to distinguish between a normal bowel movement and a tumor.
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The symptoms of bile duct cancer will vary from person to person. Some people may only experience abdominal pain while others will experience more severe symptoms. Among the more common signs of bile duct cancer, pain in the abdomen may occur in the right side of the abdomen, particularly in the upper right quadrant. In addition to abdominal pain, some patients may experience bruising, itchy skin, and loss of appetite.
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The most common bile duct cancer symptoms are abdominal pain and fever. These symptoms usually occur in the right side, below the ribs. Despite these symptoms, some people may not be aware of them, as they may simply have other medical conditions. Several other common bile duct cancer symptoms are gastrointestinal pain and diarrhea, bowel movements, and jaundice. For more information, contact your healthcare provider.
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If your doctor suspects bile duct cancer, you should undergo an examination to determine whether you are at risk. Several risk factors increase the likelihood of developing the disease. Discuss your risk with your physician. Chronic hepatitis, high blood pressure, and gallstones can also cause jaundice. A biopsy can be done to determine the presence of a bile duct tumor.