Bile Duct Cancer Symptoms include jaundice. This is a yellowing of the skin and eyes caused by a buildup of the green chemical bilirubin. When the liver is unable to remove the bile from the body, it is called jaundice. Although jaundice is one of the main symptoms of a bile duct cancer, it can also be caused by other less serious diseases.
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The symptoms of bile duct cancer are similar to those of other illnesses. The color of your skin and eyes may turn yellow. The white of your eyes may also become orange or brown. If you've never had this condition before, it can be confusing to know what you're looking for. Your doctor will likely ask you to describe any changes you've experienced. However, it's important to note that some of these changes are normal and are part of the course of bile duct cancer treatment.
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The symptoms of bile duct cancer may resemble the symptoms of other medical conditions. These symptoms include bleeding, abdominal pain, and increased bile flow. Your doctor will perform a physical exam to determine the exact cause of your pain. A biopsy is usually necessary to identify a tumor. If you have these symptoms, you should see a healthcare provider immediately. The disease may be curable, and treatment will begin immediately.
In some cases, the symptoms of bile duct cancer mimic other health conditions.
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Consequently, it's important to take the time to understand the symptoms associated with bile duct cancer. In some cases, the symptoms of biliary duct cancer may be similar to those of other diseases or health conditions. To ensure the correct diagnosis, your doctor may perform an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). This procedure involves passing a long tube with a camera through your throat and into your digestive tract. It's important to note that a bile bleed can indicate a blockage.
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Some of the symptoms of bile duct cancer are similar to those of other diseases. Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and your health history to determine whether you have this type of cancer. The doctor may also prescribe treatment based on your symptoms. If they're related to your symptoms, your treatment may involve alleviating your pain. If these symptoms are caused by a disease that has affected the bile duct, your doctor will likely prescribe chemotherapy.
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A bile duct cancer diagnosis will involve a physical exam and a series of tests. The doctor will examine you for general signs of health and abnormalities. A physical exam will also check for any recent illnesses and treatments. A blood test is another important test. The liver enzymes are measured in your blood. If they are higher than normal, you may have bile duct cancer. Your doctor will also order a biopsy to determine the cause of your symptoms.
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The symptoms of bile duct cancer are usually not very noticeable until the disease has progressed. Early symptoms can be a good indicator of bile duct cancer and can help doctors diagnose it more accurately. Some of the symptoms may include pain, swelling, or bleeding, but other problems can mimic these symptoms as well. The most common symptom of a bile duct cancer is jaundice. Patients will also experience a yellowing of the skin and white part of the eye.
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There are many other symptoms of bile duct cancer. Your doctor will ask about your history of the pain and the type of medication you take. Depending on your symptoms, your doctor may decide to perform a biopsy to rule out a malignancy. If you have been diagnosed with bile duct cancer, you should get an ultrasound as soon as possible. The images are important for your doctors to determine the type of bile duct cancer and can help determine its stage.
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The first symptom of bile duct cancer is jaundice. You may notice yellowing of your eyes and skin. Your whites may darken and turn orange or brown. These symptoms may be hard to notice if you have never had them before. But if you have them, you should seek medical attention immediately. If your doctor diagnoses the disease, the symptoms are a sign of bile duct cancer.