One of the first Bile Duct Cancer Symptoms you should be aware of is jaundice. This is a common symptom of several medical conditions. Your doctor will run a series of diagnostic tests to make sure the problem is not something else. In most cases, bile duct cancer does not cause abdominal pain unless it is quite advanced. However, if the tumor is spreading or large, it can cause pain.
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When the tumor has spread beyond the bile duct, it will start to produce symptoms. Symptoms may include pain in the bile duct, abdominal distension, a fever, and vomiting. If the cancer has spread to the surrounding lymph nodes, it will be metastatic. In this case, it will have spread to distant parts of the body. If the cancer has spread from its primary location, it will be recurrent.
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The first bile duct cancer symptom is abdominal pain. The pain is typically in the right side of the abdomen, just below the ribs. While pain is often a symptom of a serious disease, it can also be caused by less serious ailments. In addition, itchy skin may be an early sign of jaundice, a condition in which the body produces excessive amounts of bile.
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The second bile duct cancer symptom is the presence of pain. Initially, a person may feel no pain at all, but as the disease progresses, pain may become constant. It is important to visit a health care provider immediately if you notice any of these symptoms. A healthcare provider will diagnose the disease, provide treatment, and monitor any changes. The next symptom is the spread of the cancer to other parts of the body.
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The most common bile duct cancer symptom is abdominal pain. The pain is usually on the right side, under the ribs. If the pain is present, it could be bile duct cancer or a lesser condition. If the patient has an itchy stomach, the symptoms may be an indication of jaundice. A physical exam and liver function tests are necessary for a diagnosis of bile duct cancer. The doctor will also determine the extent of the ailment.
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The first symptom of bile duct cancer is jaundice. This symptom is characterized by a yellowing of the skin and eyes. The whites of the eyes may be orange or brown. Those with the disease should seek medical care immediately. The cancer may have spread to other areas of the body. If the tumor has spread to the liver, it will cause symptoms similar to those experienced by the patient.
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The symptoms of Bile Duct Cancer are not immediately apparent, but they can be easily misdiagnosed. The cancer is often located in the bile duct. A physical examination can help your doctor diagnose the disease. Some people will develop gallstones, but bile ducts are much smaller and easier to detect. They can cause pain and blockages in the body. The most common symptoms of bile duct cancer are:
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The first bile duct cancer symptom is jaundice, or high levels of bilirubin in the blood. Usually, bilirubin travels from the liver to the intestine and is a yellow-brown substance. This substance causes dark brown urine and itchy skin. Occasionally, a tumor can also spread to other parts of the body, which makes it important to be diagnosed early.
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Another common symptom of bile duct cancer is jaundice. The skin and the whites of the eyes turn a yellow color. These symptoms can also be present in other areas of the body. Your doctor may also recommend you have a CT scan to determine the location of the tumor. If you have any of these symptoms, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible. It is important to discuss your symptoms with your healthcare provider and your family. If they are too severe, you may want to consider a second opinion.
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Other symptoms of Bile Duct Cancer include: inflammation of the bile ducts, anemia, and diarrhea. During an MRI, your doctor will also look for the presence of any ducts that are blocked by the cancer. This is important because a tumor can impede bile flow and can be a symptom of other medical conditions. Therefore, it is important to consult a medical professional to rule out other conditions.