The most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. The color of the urine may change from yellow to orange, pink, or even a dark red. It may appear only for a few days, then return if there is cancer present. To determine the extent of the tumor's spread, doctors will perform a urinalysis and perform CT scans. If any of these symptoms are present, you should see a doctor right away.
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The first symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. It may be present consistently or disappear and reappear over a few days. This is a sign of microscopic hematuria, and can be detected with a urine test. Blood in the urine is also a sign of a urinary tract infection, although this is rare. If you notice blood in your urine, visit a doctor immediately.
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If you have blood in your urine, you may have bladder cancer. If you see blood in your urine, this is a sign of bladder cancer. This is known as gross hematuria. The amount of blood can be large enough to be visible. If it is tiny, however, it will be difficult to detect with a urine test. The presence of a tumor in your urine is not an indication of cancer.
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Another symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. If you have frequent urination, this is an indication of cancer. Sometimes, the blood may disappear and reappear over a period of days. If you see small amounts of blood in the urine, this is called microscopic hematuria. A urine test can detect this symptom. Some cases of bladder cancer may not produce any visible blood, but it is possible for a patient to have microscopic hematuria.
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Urinary urgency is another common symptom of bladder cancer. This is a sign that the bladder is not completely empty. While this is an important symptom, this is not a cause for alarm. It is a sign of a more serious problem. Some other symptoms of bladder cancer include constant fatigue and abdominal pain. If you experience any of these, you should schedule an appointment with a physician. Once you are diagnosed, your doctor may recommend further tests or treatment.
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The most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. This is known as haematuria and is a sign of the disease. It is painless and often appears as a streak or brown color in the urine. In some cases, it is microscopic. It is essential to see a doctor right away to check for the presence of blood in the urine. It is not uncommon to notice a streak of blood in the urine.
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The first symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. This symptom is known as microscopic hematuria and may be present in small amounts. A urine test is the only way to determine whether you have a microscopic or gross hematuria. A patient with these symptoms should be seen by a doctor immediately. These symptoms can be a sign of bladder cancer or a sign of other medical conditions.
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Blood in the urine is another symptom of bladder cancer. This symptom is caused by a tumor in the bladder. The blood is visible in the urine and is a sign of cancer. It is important to visit a doctor right away to find out what is causing the hematuria. You may need to undergo surgery or have a biopsy. The results of the test can help you determine if the disease is curable.
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Hematuria, or blood in the urine, is one of the most common symptom of bladder cancer. This symptom is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as a change in body temperature or a sudden loss of appetite. Hematuria may be an early sign of bladder cancer. Patients who experience this symptom should see a physician as soon as possible to prevent complications. mediculated Symptoms of Bladder Cancer
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Hematuria is common and can be a symptom of bladder cancer. It occurs when a tumor has spread throughout the bladder. In some cases, the tumor has spread to the surrounding organs. If the tumor has spread to the lungs, it may have metastasized to the liver or lymph nodes. Fortunately, the condition is highly treatable if detected in its early stages. If it is detected, it is highly treatable.