The first symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. This may appear regularly or occur infrequently but it can also disappear and reappeared over a number of days. This blood may be microscopic or gross. Usually, this bleed is undetectable until it's large enough to be detected with a urine test. When blood in the urinary tract becomes consistent and large enough to cause discomfort, you should see a doctor.
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If you experience blood in the urine, it may be a symptom of bladder cancer. This condition is medically known as haematuria and is painless. The blood may appear as streaks in your urine or it may turn the color of your urine from yellow to brown. If it's not noticeable, you should consult with a doctor. It's important to note that it is possible for the cancer to spread to other parts of the body.
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The first symptom of bladder cancer is the presence of blood in your urine. If the blood is in your urine, you must consult your doctor immediately. You can ask your doctor to perform a bladder scan to confirm if you have this disease. Then, take the necessary steps to prevent further spread of the tumor. For instance, you should avoid urinating while sitting. This will prevent splashing and ensure that the bladder is empty and clean.
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The next symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. It is called haematuria and is the most common symptom of the disease. It can be either painful or asymptomatic. It may be streaks of blood in the urine or it could turn the urine a brownish color. The blood may be very small, but it should not be ignored if it becomes frequent or becomes very large.
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One of the first symptoms of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. This symptom is known as haematuria, and it is a sign of bladder cancer. It is usually painless, and it may appear as brown streaks in your urine. However, if you notice this type of symptom, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible. It is important to be aware of any abnormalities in your bladder and the surrounding area.
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Another symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. This is known as hematuria and is the first symptom of bladder cancer. In addition to blood, the patient may experience a variety of other symptoms such as frequent urination and bleeding in the lower abdomen. A bladder tumor can be either microscopic or gross. The first stage of the disease is usually detected by the presence of a mass in the bladder.
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The most common symptom of bladder cancer is painless hematuria. This is a sign of a tumor in the bladder. This may be present for only a few days or a few weeks, or it can be present for a longer period of time. In the worst case scenario, the cancer has spread throughout the body and can lead to death. It is important to seek treatment for bladder cancer immediately, so you can make sure your life is in good hands.
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Blood in the urine is the most common symptom of bladder cancer. When it comes to urine, you will notice a red or orange color in the urine. If you have blood in your urination, your doctor will order a urine test to determine the cause. The symptom may also be painful when you have to go to the bathroom. Aside from pain, you may also experience burning while peeing.
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During a routine physical examination, the most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. The urine can be pink, orange, or brown in color. If it is blood in the urine, it is a sign of bladder cancer. On the other hand, it can also be an indicator of other health problems such as kidney stones or infection. If you notice blood in your urine, you should be checked immediately by a medical professional.
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Other symptoms of bladder cancer include pain and bleeding during urination. The pain in the abdomen, pelvic area, and back may also be present. The bladder can also be enlarged or dilated. These symptoms are often accompanied by an enlarged prostate. The doctor should examine the entire area to determine the cause of the symptoms. The doctor will also check for other potential causes of the symptom. If the cancer is in the abdomen, the doctor may recommend further tests.