Symptoms of bladder cancer include blood in the urine. This blood can come and go, and sometimes, it will be constant. Some people may have only small amounts of blood in their urine, which is microscopic hematuria. Your doctor may order a urine test to detect microscopic hematuria. The color of your pee may also be affected by the presence of small amounts of blood.
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The most common clinical symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. This may be short-lived and not painful. The tumor may not be large enough to be noticed by patients, and it may only be detectable under a microscope. In such cases, treatment may require chemotherapy or radiation. However, it is not necessary to undergo chemotherapy. Your doctor can prescribe hormone therapy or surgery to relieve your symptoms. For more information, contact a doctor or clinic.
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Some of the most common symptoms of bladder cancer are blood in the urine. If you notice blood in your urine, call your doctor immediately. The color of your urine may also change, becoming orange, pink or darker red. In some cases, this blood will go away and then return. If you have this symptom, you should have a test done to rule out bladder cancer. This way, you will know for sure if you have the disease.
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Symptoms of bladder cancer can vary widely. The most noticeable symptom is blood in the urine. It is called haematuria and is a common symptom. It is often painless and occurs as streaks or as a dark color in the urine. It is important to contact your doctor immediately if you see any changes in your urine. This can be a sign of bladder cancer or a less serious condition.
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The most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. Hematuria refers to the presence of blood in the urine. While you may not notice this, it is an indication that you may have a problem with your bladder. If you notice blood in your urine, you should seek medical attention immediately. It may be an indicator of cancer or a symptom of another condition. Once you have diagnosed the disease, your doctor will prescribe treatment.
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The most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. This may be rusty or deep red in color. It may not be painless and can be a sign of another medical condition. Other signs of bladder cancer include frequent urination or urinary hesitancy. Some people have difficulty passing urine or urinate. The best way to determine if you have bladder cancer is to consult with your doctor.
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If you suspect you have bladder cancer, the first symptom is blood in the urine. This is called hematuria and is a sign of cancer. It can be either microscopic or gross, and it can be difficult to detect. The doctor will need to do a urine test to make a diagnosis. If you notice blood in the urine, you should seek medical attention immediately. Even a slight amount of blood in the urine can be a sign of a more serious condition.
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The most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. This is medically known as haematuria and can be painless or painful. The color of urine can also change to a deep red or orange color. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor immediately. If the blood is in the urine, it is a sign of bladder cancer. If the blood is red or brown, it can be a sign of another medical condition.
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The most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. Hematuria is a sign of bladder cancer and is medically known as haematuria. It is often painless and comes in streaks or as brownish coloured urine. It may also be difficult to detect. If the blood is visible, you should seek medical attention immediately. Otherwise, your doctor may recommend a blood test to confirm the diagnosis.