One of the first symptoms of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. It may appear frequently or suddenly over several days. The blood may be microscopic or gross. Urinary tests can detect both types of hematuria. If there is a color change, the color should be examined by a physician. If the urine is discolored or contains blood, the doctor will recommend a cystoscopy to diagnose the cancer.
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Early detection is important in treating bladder cancer, which is incurable and can be treated. Symptoms of the disease usually revolve around urination. The first symptom of the disease is blood in the urine. Blood in the urine can make the liquid appear dark or light, or even bright red. The presence of microscopic blood in the urine is difficult to detect without lab testing. Patients should schedule an appointment as soon as they begin to notice any symptoms.
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Pain and urgency are also common symptoms. Urination may also be painful. These can be signs of bladder cancer. However, they may be indicative of an infection of the urinary tract. The first line of treatment for these symptoms is usually antibiotics, although a urinalysis and culture can help rule out infection. If a positive result is obtained, the patient should be seen by a urologist immediately.
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When a tumor starts growing in the bladder, it invades the lamina propria (the layer of tissue that lines the bladder). This makes it possible for the cancer to spread to the liver or bones. The patient may experience abdominal pain, weight loss, and a cough. The pain and weakness are other signs of a tumor. A physician can perform an examination to check for bladder cancer symptoms. It is also possible to lose your appetite.
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If the tumor has spread to the bladder, the patient will experience symptoms of a urinary tract infection. The most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. The patient will notice streaks of blood in their urine. The urine may turn brown, but the blood is not always visible. A cystoscopy is needed to determine the cause of the tumor. This type of diagnosis is a life-threatening medical condition that should not be ignored.
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The most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. This is referred to as haematuria and is an indication of the presence of blood in the bladder. While blood in the urine is generally painless, it can be noticeable in other parts of the body. The patient may experience a swollen abdomen or a bloated stomach. In addition, the pain may be intermittent or constant.
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The most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. It may be painless or have no corresponding odor. In some cases, the patient may experience a loss of appetite or weight. These symptoms are not necessarily indicative of cancer in the bladder, but they may be signs of cancer in the bladder. If you have these symptoms, you should visit your doctor right away. This will help you find out if the cancer has spread.
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The most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. It can be blood in the urine, or it may be blood in the urine. Other bladder cancer symptoms include pain in the back, pelvis, and abdomen. Those who are suffering from severe pain should consult their doctor for an accurate diagnosis. This can indicate the presence of a tumor. Moreover, frequent urination is another symptom of the disease.
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A patient experiencing a variety of symptoms can have cancer in the bladder. The most common symptom is blood in the urine. Hematuria is a sign that there is bleeding in the bladder. This can be a sign of a tumor or a symptom of bladder cancer. Some of the other symptoms may be a tumor or a rash. You should see a physician as soon as possible to rule out other causes of the symptoms.
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The most common bladder cancer symptom is the presence of blood in the urine. Blood in urine can be a warning sign of cancer, but it is not a sign of the disease. In fact, blood in the urine can also be a symptom of a urinary tract infection, or of another type of inflammatory condition. Occasionally, a person may also experience difficulty peeing. These symptoms should be interpreted by a physician.