One of the most common bladder cancer symptoms is blood in the urine, known as hematuria. This symptom can occur in any person. It causes the urine to be reddish or rusty, but it's not always indicative of cancer. In some cases, the condition is caused by another medical condition. Tumors in the bladder can also cause frequent urination or urinary hesitancy. Patients may also find it difficult to urinate, or their urination is much more painful than usual.
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The first sign of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. This blood can change the color of urine, from clear to orange to pink or even dark red. Although small amounts of blood may be present in the urine, the presence of blood should make the patient consult a doctor. If the occurrence is persistent, he or she may recommend testing for cancer. A doctor can perform a urine test to determine the cause of the symptoms.
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The first symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. Depending on where the cancer has spread, the color of urine can change. Sometimes the blood in the urine can be pink, orange or dark red. A doctor may order a urine test for other reasons, such as other symptoms. However, blood in the kidneys or bones are not considered bladder cancer symptoms. When a doctor finds blood in the body, he will want to determine the cause of the condition.
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The second symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. While a patient might not have a urinary stone, stones in the bladder can cause these symptoms. If you experience any of these symptoms, visit a doctor as soon as possible to rule out other medical conditions. The earlier you detect the condition, the better your chances are of cure. Once you've been diagnosed, he or she will prescribe you a medication.
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The first sign of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. This is known as hematuria and can occur frequently or be intermittent. The color of urine may also change. In some cases, blood is present in the urine on a daily basis. If you notice these signs, you should contact a doctor immediately. You should also have a urinary test done if you have a fever or experience any of these other symptoms.
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Usually, the first symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. This may appear regularly or it may appear and disappear for days. Microscopic hematuria is usually asymptomatic, but it's not always present. If you see any of these symptoms, consult a doctor right away. If you have a blood clot, this could be a sign of bladder cancer.
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The main symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. This is a common symptom of the disease, and it can occur in the early stages. It may be mistaken for a urinary tract infection. While it can affect both the urination process, it can also lead to weight loss and fatigue. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should visit a doctor right away. You should also bring your health insurance card, any previous medical records, and a list of medications and allergies you have. Be sure to arrive at your appointment at least 30 minutes early.
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The most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. Patients may notice blood in their urine on a daily basis or it may be present only in rare cases. Other symptoms include constant urination and pain. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately. You can also have multiple signs, and your physician can help you determine the best course of treatment. If you've recently had a urinary tract infection, it is recommended that you undergo a urine culture be performed as soon as possible.
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The first of these bladder cancer symptoms is blood in the urine. It can be microscopic or gross. It is important to visit your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. If you notice hematuria in your urine, you should contact a doctor immediately. Your symptoms may be a sign of bladder cancer. Your doctor will conduct a thorough examination to determine if the cancer has spread to nearby organs or tissues.