In the United States, more than 3,500 people will be diagnosed with primary bone cancer this year. This cancer is relatively rare and does not spread beyond the bone. Fortunately, treatment is relatively simple. Depending on the type of bone cancer, the outlook can be as long as one year, and fifty percent of people with this type of cancer will survive five years or more. Although there are no known cures for this disease, early detection and treatment are essential.
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Some patients may experience pain in the affected area. This pain may be intermittent or constant. Some patients have reported waking up in the middle of the night in pain. Other patients have reported that their pain was worse at night or when using a specific joint.
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Eventually, the pain becomes constant and the symptom may become unbearable. During the early stages of this cancer, the symptoms may be mistaken for injuries caused by physical activity or overexertion. In order to determine the diagnosis, a healthcare provider will use classification systems to identify the stage of the disease. The stage of cancer reflects how far the cancer has spread throughout the body and offers an estimated prognosis for the patient.
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The first signs of bone cancer may be unusual and unexpected, but they are common for this type of cancer. A person may experience a swelling in the thigh, a stiff neck, or even a limp. However, the most concerning symptoms are those caused by tumors in the knee. When they start growing near a joint, they can interfere with normal joint movements and cause pain. In addition, the patient may experience fatigue or difficulty breathing. If these symptoms persist, you should consult a physician.
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Other symptoms of bone cancer include the fracture of a bone or the pain in a limb. If a bone cancer has reached the bones, they will become weak and easily break. If this occurs, you should see a physician as soon as possible. The cancer may spread to other parts of the body, such as the lungs or kidneys. Once the surgery is performed, the risk of spreading to other organs increases.
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Symptoms of bone cancer can include back pain or fever. While the pain can be a signal of a tumor, the swelling is not always a sign of a disease. Typically, patients will not have any symptoms of bone cancer. If they experience back pain, it is likely that a tumor has spread to the spine. Additionally, the patient may also experience other symptoms of bone cancer.
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Usually, this disease is not life threatening, but it may lead to a life-threatening complication.
There are many signs of bone cancer. The most common symptom is pain in the area where the cancer has spread. This pain may be constant or come and go, but it is usually accompanied by other symptoms. The pain will become constant as the cancer spreads. While over-the-counter pain relievers can help ease the pain, they do not address the cause of the pain. If you feel a mass on a bone, it may indicate a tumor.
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Among the most common signs of bone cancer are pain, swelling, and joint problems. These symptoms are usually mild. Those with advanced bone cancer should visit a doctor as soon as possible. The disease may not be dangerous but will cause you to need treatment. If you have any of these symptoms, seek medical help right away. You can also expect to receive some additional signs, such as fever or weakness. In some cases, the cancer may spread to the heart or lungs, which can be a warning sign.
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Symptoms of bone cancer can vary depending on the location of the cancer. Some of the most common symptoms include pain in the lower leg and pain in the knee. If you experience any of these symptoms, see a doctor right away. He or she can recommend appropriate treatment for your particular condition. If you suspect that you have bone cancer, it is vital to discuss your options with a medical professional. You should also seek support for your family and friends.