There are several ways to tell if you have bone cancer. Most people first go to the doctor when their leg is sore or swollen, but the pain may also indicate something more serious. A CT scan or MRI is a common way to diagnose bone cancer. A biopsy is another way to confirm a diagnosis. A biopsy involves the removal of a piece of bone tissue, which will give your healthcare provider specific information about the nature of your cancer. A sample of the tumour will help them determine what treatment to use.
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Symptoms of bone cancer vary. These include pain in the limbs, arm, or leg. They may be accompanied by swelling, a lump, or a mass. If the tumor is in the neck, it can cause pain in the back of the throat. Other symptoms include weight loss and fatigue. A fracture can also occur in a bone that has been painful. Fortunately, treatment options are available for patients with symptoms of bone cancer.
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The most common of the bone cancer symptoms is pain, which may develop slowly and get more intense with time. Some patients may only notice the pain during the night, or only when they are physically active. In severe cases, the cancer may spread to other parts of the body. However, if you do notice these symptoms, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible. If you have had a tumor removed, it's important to follow up with a bone cancer specialist and be evaluated for its presence.
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Other symptoms may include leg pain, swelling, or difficulty walking. It's important to seek medical care as soon as you notice any of these symptoms. Moreover, the tumor may cause you to experience difficulty in breathing, fatigue, and weight loss. So, if you suspect you have bone cancer, see a doctor and get the appropriate treatment immediately. It's best to act early, even if you don't notice any symptoms.
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The area in which you're experiencing pain may also have swelling, a mass, or other indications of bone cancer. While this is usually a symptom of early stage disease, you should visit your doctor as soon as you notice a symptom. The pain may be localized, or referred to as general pain. If it's localized, it is the indication of bone cancer. This type of cancer is called primary osteoporosis.
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Other symptoms include pain and swelling, and some may occur only after a bone tumor has developed. This type of cancer causes sudden, intense pain in the area of the affected bone, which may be worse in the morning and during activity. Other symptoms include weight loss, fatigue, fever, and anemia, which is a deficiency of red blood cells. These symptoms can be very painful. It's important to consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.
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If you feel pain in the area of your bone, your doctor will order imaging tests to check the size of the tumor and whether it's growing or shrinking. In some cases, tumors may grow near a joint, putting pressure on the joint. Additionally, your doctor may notice a swelling in your joint. If the cancer has spread to your bone, your doctor may recommend surgery. You can also seek treatment through chemotherapy, radiation, or drugs.
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Pain in the arm and leg is a common symptom of bone cancer. While this symptom may be mild in the beginning, it can become increasingly severe over time. You may only experience pain at night, or it may come and go with activity. If you have a tumor in the arm or leg, you should seek medical treatment right away. These symptoms are usually indicative of a tumor. If you have any of these signs, see a doctor.
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Some of the symptoms of bone cancer are very similar to those of other types of cancer. For example, a pronounced limp can be an indication of bone cancer. In addition to pain, you may experience a fever or feel unwell in general. Some symptoms of bone cancer include a weakened immune system. This is a common sign of early bone cancer, which is why you should be alert for any other signs.