The best place to get information about Childhood Rhabdomyosarcomosis symptoms is from a doctor who specializes in this disease. Pediatric oncologists want to improve the treatment and outcomes for young patients with this cancer. To this end, they often suggest participating in clinical trials to test new therapies. Here are some symptoms to watch for and how to treat them. If you suspect your child has Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma, contact a pediatric oncologist.
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The signs and symptoms of RMS may be vague and similar to those of other childhood illnesses. Oftentimes, a small visible lump will be the first symptom of the disease. The symptoms may be painless or vague, depending on the location of the tumor. If a tumor is larger and is more obvious, a child may experience pain. However, if a lump is present, it may be accompanied by other symptoms.
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Children are at a higher risk for Childhood Rhabdomyosarcomosis if they have a blood or young relative with this disease. Other risk factors include inherited conditions such as high birth weight or larger than average limb size. Children diagnosed with Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma may have an increased risk of developing a cancer of the muscle. In children, it is not uncommon for limb cancers to spread to lymph nodes, bones, and the lungs. Children who are younger than ten years of age are typically diagnosed with Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma.
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Children should not be frightened if they are affected by Childhood Rhabdomyosarcomosa. Although it is rare, it can still be life-threatening. If you suspect that your child has this disease, it's important to seek treatment as soon as possible. There are many signs and symptoms of childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact a doctor immediately. Your doctor can help you determine a treatment course.
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Children with childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma can receive standard treatment. However, aggressive treatment can have significant side effects. In addition to chemotherapy, your child can receive follow-up tests and follow-up treatments. The risks associated with childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma treatment may be more severe than those associated with standard cancer treatments. Your health care team will be able to give you a complete list of potential side effects that may occur during and after treatment.
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Children with symptoms of Childhood Rhabdomyosarcomosis may have other symptoms, such as fever. They may also experience a sudden, sharp pain. A pediatric oncologist will determine whether a biopsy is necessary to identify the disease. A biopsy is a way to find out if the tumor has spread or if it is a symptom of an untreated condition.
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Childhood Rhabdomyosarcomosis is the most common soft tissue cancer in children and may develop in any part of the body. Most cases are discovered before the child reaches the age of 10 years. Because of the rapid growth rate of these tumours, it is important to have the tumor removed before the symptoms can spread to other parts of the body. The best way to diagnose and treat childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma is by completing a biopsy and receiving a diagnosis.
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Children with Childhood Rhabdomyosarcomosa will most likely undergo surgery. However, the best treatment options for this cancer will depend on the location, size, type, and extent of the tumor. Treatment will include surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy. If the tumor is found early, the patient may receive chemotherapy as well. If the symptoms of childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma aren't cured by surgery, the doctor will use an aggressive chemotherapy regimen.
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Other childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma signs are persistent cough, weight loss, and bone pain. Symptoms should be discussed with your child's pediatrician. Your child may also develop an enlarged lymph node. As with any cancer, your child's doctor will ask about the length of these symptoms and whether they're getting worse. Sometimes, the symptoms are so severe that they can even be life-threatening.