The signs and symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia increase with the severity of the condition. A person with the disease has a reduced platelet count and higher number of white blood cells. This leads to frequent infections and long-term effects. Because of this, a person with CML must receive frequent chemotherapy treatments. Additionally, the lowered platelet count prevents the body from healing even minor injuries. The reduced platelet count also increases the risk of getting a serious illness, such as cancer.
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One of the main symptoms of CML is a low platelet count. The diseased white blood cells crowd out healthy red blood cells. This causes anemia, which makes people feel fatigued and weak. In addition to fatigue, people suffering from chronic myelogenous leukemia may also experience frequent nosebleeds and easy bruising. Some patients have problems with their joint pain, which may be caused by the enlarged bone marrow.
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Another symptom of chronic myelogenous leukemia is the enlargement of the spleen. The excess cells accumulate in the spleen, and they cause the organ to enlarge. It is rare for the spleen to rupture, but it can bleed. The patient may also experience pain in the left side of their body, below the ribs. Besides enlargement of the spleen, a patient may experience high platelet count. The high platelet count can cause blood clots and can result in stroke.
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An enlarged spleen is another symptom of chronic myelogenous leukemia. An enlarged spleen can cause abdominal pain and swelling. In rare cases, the spleen can rupture. These symptoms may be the first indication of CML, but a doctor can determine if you have the condition. A physician will ask you about your symptoms and assess your condition.
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The first symptom of chronic myelogenous leukemia is a low platelet count. A person with this condition will have an elevated platelet count. This will make it difficult to fight off infections. Despite the symptoms of CML, treatment can be life-threatening if it is not detected early. It is essential to consult a doctor for a diagnosis of chronic myelogenous leukaemia if you are experiencing these problems.
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Another symptom is an enlarged spleen. The enlarged spleen can cause pain in the left side of the body. It can also cause bleeding and an enlarged spleen can be fatal. The leukemia cells are able to multiply and crowd out healthy blood cells. They can even damage the bone marrow, leading to an infection and death. The spleen is the organ responsible for the production of white blood cells.
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Other chronic myelogenous leukemia symptoms include a low platelet count. The diseased white blood cells crowd out healthy red blood cells, which makes a person feel tired and insecure. In addition, anemia can also affect the lungs, bones, and the heart. It can cause a patient to experience severe nosebleeds, as well as joint pain. A low platelet count can lead to anemia.
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If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. The disease causes an abnormally high platelet count, which can lead to stroke and death. However, there are other symptoms associated with chronic myelogenous leukemia. A patient should consult with a doctor to determine if they have this condition. There are also many other chronic leukemia treatments available.
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A patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia may experience swelling and discomfort in the upper left area of the abdomen. This condition can lead to anemia, which will make the person feel tired and run down. Anemia can lead to anemia. In severe cases, it may cause the patient to develop a stroke. The leukemia treatment will reduce the platelet count, which will make the patient more susceptible to infection.
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The symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia are usually mild and often mistaken for other conditions. The disease can be confused with the symptoms of other conditions. Most patients with this type of cancer will suffer from nausea, fever, and night sweats. Some individuals may also experience diarrhea and weight loss. The disease can be life-threatening. If it affects the bone marrow, it can lead to anemia.