If you are diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML), you are facing the possibility of recurring medical appointments and blood and bone marrow tests. You will also likely be worried about how your disease is progressing, and if it will worsen. To cope with the stress of your condition, you should make time for relaxation activities. You should also discuss the possible side effects of cancer medications with your health care team.
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In the acute phase, you will have a low platelet count and a reduced number of basophils, white blood cells that fight infection. While the white blood cell count drops significantly during treatment, it is still a common side effect. Your body will become more susceptible to infections. However, the onset of symptoms is delayed. You'll probably need treatment to get back to a healthy lifestyle.
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If you're experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, you should seek medical attention immediately. You may experience severe fatigue and frequent nosebleeds. The disease can also affect the platelets, which are the cells that control bleeding. Anemia and thrombocytopenia can make you more susceptible to infections, and if not treated, it can even cause your death. A clinical examination can be helpful in determining if you're suffering from CML.
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Symptoms of CML may be difficult to diagnose because they are different for every person. In the early stages of the disease, your white blood cell count is low. Your immune system becomes weaker, and you're more susceptible to infections. In addition to a low white blood cell count, you might also suffer from frequent nosebleeds and frequent bruising. Besides these problems, you might also experience joint pain, which could be caused by enlarged bone marrow.
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The disease causes a reduction in platelets and white blood cells. The decreased amount of platelets causes more frequent and more severe infections. A low platelet count can even prevent you from healing minor trauma, as it is responsible for forming blood clots. It may also cause bruising and joint pain. Ultimately, chronic myelogenous leukemia is a serious disease that should be treated immediately.
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When people suffer from CML, their blood cells will have a low platelet count. This may result in anemia and anaemia, and you may have joint pain or enlarged bone marrow. If you experience any of these symptoms, it's time to talk to your health care provider. If you have chronic myelogenous leukemia, your doctor will determine which type of treatment is right for you.
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When you have a low platelet count, you may experience anemia, which causes your body to produce too few red blood cells. You may feel very tired and have a low platelet count. If you have a low platelet count, it is possible you have thrombocytopenia, which can lead to anemia. You may also experience pain in your joints. Your doctor will check your bone marrow for abnormalities.
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The signs of CML include a low platelet count and frequent infections. The symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia are exacerbated by the disease's effects on the body's immune system. In addition, the disease's increased platelet count may cause a decreased platelet count and make you more susceptible to infection. Depending on your age, these symptoms may be minor at first, but they can become life-threatening if not detected and treated early.
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Your body will have a low platelet count and a high platelet count. Your blood will be diluted in white blood cells, resulting in more frequent infections. In addition, your platelet count may be too low, which can make it difficult to heal minor injuries. This can be dangerous, as it can lead to a stroke or even death. It is also vital to note that the symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia can be life-threatening if left untreated.
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Aside from the symptoms, chronic myelogenous leukemia is also known as chronic myeloid leukemia. It starts in the bone marrow and eventually spreads to the blood and other parts of the body. It can also lead to anemia if the bones stop producing red blood cells. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, consult with your health care team to learn about the treatments available.